It's Sunday, I've slept until noon and i feel already tired!
Last week i twisted my ankle, on monday i 've gone to the hospital, they give me medecine and sent me home with a stoppage of work. I can move because it's hurt a lot and the pain make me tired a lot :/ On the other hand i'm bored because i'm doing nothing...
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Hey sweeties!
After a long time me and my shitty english are back!
I hope you are fine and that your life is exactly what you want!
Some news
I've move to the south of France, in a small village
With beautiful landscapes
I've got a new job and a new cat
Her name is Mousse and she has personality!
I've done some cool photos
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Nouveau pseudo, anciens posts supprims.
Hysope, 23 ans le 21 octobre 2012, ne me jugez pas tout de suite je suis bien plus intressante si on apprend me connaitre.
New pseudo, old posts deleted.
Hysope, 23 years old on the 21 of october 2012, don't judge me now, i'm more interesting if you learn to know me.
(If your eyes are bleeding because...
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No problemo pour SM et les photos ! Et je suis contente que le set te plaise, aussi
Et oui, c'est vraiment incroyable "le vin des mes" comme c'est parfois appel, a me fascine !