So...20 years after first becoming a college freshman I'm starting over to finish my degree.
Where I go from there is anyone's guess. Since 40 is supposedly the new 20 (I don't buy that for a second) I guess I'm right on track. It feels weird, though. I've become one of those people, the old people in a room full of young people. Although, I'm used to it now.
I'm thinking I may take some sort of International Affairs course if something is being offered. It would help with my job and it would be a nice change of pace from the Math course I'm going to be taking.
I was supposed to hang out with some friends I haven't seen in awhile, but that fell through. Maybe I'll see them tomorrow.
I go on a campus tour Monday morning, so that'll be fun.
Otherwise I'm a bit out of sorts lately, I hope it's just the weather change. I'm happier than I usually am, but still a little melancholy. Ever feel like something was missing, but you didn't know what?
I get like that from time to time. Sometimes I think it's a vestige of romantic longing, a crush left unrequited or something left undone.
That or I'm just getting old and my regrets are outweighing my triumphs.
Who knows?
Who cares.
Where I go from there is anyone's guess. Since 40 is supposedly the new 20 (I don't buy that for a second) I guess I'm right on track. It feels weird, though. I've become one of those people, the old people in a room full of young people. Although, I'm used to it now.
I'm thinking I may take some sort of International Affairs course if something is being offered. It would help with my job and it would be a nice change of pace from the Math course I'm going to be taking.
I was supposed to hang out with some friends I haven't seen in awhile, but that fell through. Maybe I'll see them tomorrow.
I go on a campus tour Monday morning, so that'll be fun.
Otherwise I'm a bit out of sorts lately, I hope it's just the weather change. I'm happier than I usually am, but still a little melancholy. Ever feel like something was missing, but you didn't know what?
I get like that from time to time. Sometimes I think it's a vestige of romantic longing, a crush left unrequited or something left undone.
That or I'm just getting old and my regrets are outweighing my triumphs.
Who knows?
Who cares.
If 40 is the new 20 does that mean 30 is the new 15?
At 33 and I really 16-17?
It would explain a lot about my behavior...
place because of the way they turned out..
And yes, I always feel the way you described.