No, that word doesn't even begin to cover it. Why does my life seem to consist of wating, waiting and waiting for some event to happen. Two more weeks until payday, another 2-3 weeks or so before my 401K disbursement from my old job, and then the girl and I can do what we want to do and not what we have to do. We won't have to be frugal and worry about bills and fret about overdrawn accounts.
Change doesn't come without a price.
No, that word doesn't even begin to cover it. Why does my life seem to consist of wating, waiting and waiting for some event to happen. Two more weeks until payday, another 2-3 weeks or so before my 401K disbursement from my old job, and then the girl and I can do what we want to do and not what we have to do. We won't have to be frugal and worry about bills and fret about overdrawn accounts.
Change doesn't come without a price.
A hostage negotiator is just about what we need right now ...
Who are you telling.