yepp u guessed it.. RAIN!.
Normal damn school week now. 8am-5pm. YAY!
Decided to start out with just doing my ears due to lack of money.
But im sure it will look great.
So.. whats up in here!
Im doing perfectly well as always. Thanks for asking.
My new years eve was great i guess. Got to meet some old friends of mine. A good old sausage fest has never killed anyone afaik.
Its january, that means im getting pierced this month probably, if i dare. Its not pain or needles that is the problem, its my parents... Read More
Jag hade ingen aning om nnting nr jag skulle se the village.. s det var verkligen spnnande. Fast jag sg den p bio sent p kvllen.. s jag kunde inte sova den natten..
Man was that a crazy new year for me. Good tho hope you had fun its really early in the morning and i been up all night hanging with friends so i am kinda really tired lol. Hope to talk to you soon luv ya honnies
LOL love that pic. LOL Too funny, I have been sick in bed in my room all day. Just got up cause my kids said my yahoo messenger was ringing like crazy anyways back to laying down before i puke all over the desk think we have names for the baby now Kennedy Anne for a girl and Dillon Micheal Adam for a boy.
Talk to you soon hun love you and miss you
Took me a minute to figure out what that picture was of... LOL it looks awsome tho. Well hey I been sick all day thanks to the wonderful round of morning sickness i been having which totally sucks balls i needed to clean my house. not sleep on the couch all day. well i will hope to see you soon might be tomorrow sometime if i can get on the pc my husband plays old school nintendo games on here and takes him all damn day to get off the pc. LOL luv ya talk to you soon sweetie pie