Yay! Monthly updates!
Umm, got another tattoo...it's a dreamcatcher on my left forearm. It's pretty snazzy, it's only black and grey, but the shading is nice. I likes it a lot.
Umm, went to six flags yesterday...taht was pretty fun. the only thing i hate about amusement parks is that the lines for the fun rides are sooooo long!!!! oh, and water does not need...
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Umm, got another tattoo...it's a dreamcatcher on my left forearm. It's pretty snazzy, it's only black and grey, but the shading is nice. I likes it a lot.

Umm, went to six flags yesterday...taht was pretty fun. the only thing i hate about amusement parks is that the lines for the fun rides are sooooo long!!!! oh, and water does not need...
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Yay! I wanna see the tattoo! 

BTW...I LOVE the new SG layout!!!!
(I'm a lil slow on this update here..lol)

(I'm a lil slow on this update here..lol)

I think I'm on a trend here of updating only once a month...lol.
Things are going alright for me. I'm back with my boyfriend...our "breakup" only lasted like, 3 days, lol, then we gots back together and all is well. Just got back on friday from a trip to Texas. yay. Texas is hot. Like, icky hot. I miss good ol' VA weather! VA is...
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Things are going alright for me. I'm back with my boyfriend...our "breakup" only lasted like, 3 days, lol, then we gots back together and all is well. Just got back on friday from a trip to Texas. yay. Texas is hot. Like, icky hot. I miss good ol' VA weather! VA is...
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Awesome! Hope the trip went well.
Nice ass.
I love the new main pic. You could totally be an SG. I'd give anything to see more of the sexy lingerie set. >
Nice ass.

Updating again....been gone awhile...as usual...^_^;;;
Well, not much going on. Broke up with my boyfriend. Wasn't a bad break up, but eh. Was sad. I don't think we're on speaking terms for the time being, he just isn't "ready" to be friends right now. Not his fault...
Other than that, life is life I guess.
piccie update today...wheeee
Well, not much going on. Broke up with my boyfriend. Wasn't a bad break up, but eh. Was sad. I don't think we're on speaking terms for the time being, he just isn't "ready" to be friends right now. Not his fault...
Other than that, life is life I guess.

piccie update today...wheeee
Wow, the SG site updates are awesome. 

Allow me to confirm the previous information you received on your ass

Long time no see on here.
I'sa gots a new tattoo! It's not finished yet, I still need to get it colored in. It's a sword and shield with my family crest on it. I will post piccies when I gets them off the camera. ^_^
Other than that, things are going good right now. Bout to eat me some breakfast and take a shower...
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I'sa gots a new tattoo! It's not finished yet, I still need to get it colored in. It's a sword and shield with my family crest on it. I will post piccies when I gets them off the camera. ^_^
Other than that, things are going good right now. Bout to eat me some breakfast and take a shower...
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Kingdom Hearts 2 = out now! Woot!

So, here's the update to my dramatic life...lol
Finally got around to talking things out with my roomie. We're fine now. There was some weirdness for a lil, but all is good now. We talked it over, and I told her that I really like him and he makes me happy, and it's just waht the doctor ordered (lol) and stuff. And she told me...
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Finally got around to talking things out with my roomie. We're fine now. There was some weirdness for a lil, but all is good now. We talked it over, and I told her that I really like him and he makes me happy, and it's just waht the doctor ordered (lol) and stuff. And she told me...
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Ok I posted. Your turn. 

Miss ya

I should just title this "my oh-so dramatic life" lol.
Ok, so I hopped on the good foot and did the bad thing. I ended up sleeping with Brian. Wasn't bad. I enjoyed it. ^_^
Anywho, so on wed, my roomie was asking me what I was doing for dinner, and he had already asked me to dinner, so I straight up told her I...
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Ok, so I hopped on the good foot and did the bad thing. I ended up sleeping with Brian. Wasn't bad. I enjoyed it. ^_^
Anywho, so on wed, my roomie was asking me what I was doing for dinner, and he had already asked me to dinner, so I straight up told her I...
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So how are things going now?
Any chance of new pics?
I swear, you could become a real suicidegirl.
Any chance of new pics?

Heya, just my weekly comment to say hi. Hope all is well.
I posted new piccies up for your enjoyment...tell me what'cha think.
Arugh! I'm a happy pirate!

The whole outfit one is REALLY cute. I think the one with you lying on your back is adorable. And the sideways one is the srexiest pose I've ever seen.
Keep up the good work.
Obviously these were taken along with the others. I love your work. Do you have any recent pics as well?

Obviously these were taken along with the others. I love your work. Do you have any recent pics as well?
My lil' update in the "love department" of the hypnoticsenshi...
Well, there was this one guy I was chasing after, and that well, that's going nowhere. We both like each other, but it'll never get beyond just messin' around when one or the others semi-intoxicated. Which just isn't my bag of tea. And I won't say anything (what really is there to say?) because he's...
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Well, there was this one guy I was chasing after, and that well, that's going nowhere. We both like each other, but it'll never get beyond just messin' around when one or the others semi-intoxicated. Which just isn't my bag of tea. And I won't say anything (what really is there to say?) because he's...
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Hrm, that's a tough one. If I were you I'd take the sex thing out on a test drive w/ him . lol If he's not willing to initiate kissing he might not be that great in bed. Then again, you never know....
The roommate thing is a little tougher. Maybe sit and talk with her. She might be understanding if you actually have feelings for this guy. Or you could just sneak around with him for a while. Could just blow over anyway.
Good luck either way!
The roommate thing is a little tougher. Maybe sit and talk with her. She might be understanding if you actually have feelings for this guy. Or you could just sneak around with him for a while. Could just blow over anyway.

Good luck either way!
Yea, I'm not dead yet....still alive, just not updating here that much, as usual. ^_^
I did go on a big art thing, and did a buncha drawings and post them on my devart page.
Other than that, working on getting a small group together to do some good ol' D&D. Yay. I get to be the dm. I'm not sure how this'll go tho,...
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I did go on a big art thing, and did a buncha drawings and post them on my devart page.
Other than that, working on getting a small group together to do some good ol' D&D. Yay. I get to be the dm. I'm not sure how this'll go tho,...
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Yay! I'm still alive. Again. haha. just haven't gotten on anything too much until recently. Been updating all my internet blogginess. ^_^
Not much going on right now. Enjoying taking a semester off right now, so I can work on my artwork. yay.

I'll think about it....

I guess that's the best I can ask for.
I can wish can't I....
Hope all is well. You should update more.

Hope all is well. You should update more.