As this cold & snowy week comes to a close, I sit here a very tired but employed man.
I've loved being back at work, it's amazing how you feel like a much more worthwhile member of the human race when you have a job to go to. I'm only working in a warehouse/ shop but it's been good having other people around me and being a part of a team, although the running about grabbing products from the warehouse part has been hard on me after a couple of lazy months on the unemployment list. The people are all really cool and I had another guy start at the same time as me which took some of the pressure of learning a new job off of me, it's easier knowing that there's someone in the same boat.
Once again, for about the 5th consecutive year that I can remember, the snow came and England ground to a halt. People stranded on main roads, miles away from home and having to sleep in their cars. Power cuts because 'the snow is too heavy for the power lines' and pulled them loose. Accident rates rocketing because the local councils don't have enough salt to grit the roads. It's almost as if the powers that be forget that it snows in the winter and are surprised by this cold, white stuff that falls from the sky each year.
Oh well, only a couple of days at work next week and then I have no more need to brave the elements for a while. I can put my feet up, relax, eat junk and watch crappy Christmas TV for a few days. I can't wait.
I hope you all had a great week too.
"In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy."
William Blake
I've loved being back at work, it's amazing how you feel like a much more worthwhile member of the human race when you have a job to go to. I'm only working in a warehouse/ shop but it's been good having other people around me and being a part of a team, although the running about grabbing products from the warehouse part has been hard on me after a couple of lazy months on the unemployment list. The people are all really cool and I had another guy start at the same time as me which took some of the pressure of learning a new job off of me, it's easier knowing that there's someone in the same boat.
Once again, for about the 5th consecutive year that I can remember, the snow came and England ground to a halt. People stranded on main roads, miles away from home and having to sleep in their cars. Power cuts because 'the snow is too heavy for the power lines' and pulled them loose. Accident rates rocketing because the local councils don't have enough salt to grit the roads. It's almost as if the powers that be forget that it snows in the winter and are surprised by this cold, white stuff that falls from the sky each year.
Oh well, only a couple of days at work next week and then I have no more need to brave the elements for a while. I can put my feet up, relax, eat junk and watch crappy Christmas TV for a few days. I can't wait.

I hope you all had a great week too.
"In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy."
William Blake
i hope you had wondrous holidays!
I hope that you had a nice rest over Christmas Darling.