With office politics and the stupidity of others this has arrived today. I am now online, at work. The last month has been spent "working from home" or (as I like to call it) "sitting on my ass for a month, getting paid to play video games, cut my lawn and watch movies". Now that sweet part of my life is over and I have to join the other corporate office monkeys again.
One of the bad sides of being at home is that I couldn't get motivated to do ANYTHING. Including keeping up with you lovely people, I apologise and offer myself to your mercy. It won't happen again, I am yours once more.

Much has happened since my last post, including the fact that I am no longer the enigma that I was. Now that my visage is out there for all to see, I feel different. I am no more likely to bump into any of you than I was before but nor am I anonymous. I will therefore be watering down my views and attempting to please as many people as possible...

Sooooooo, Ummmmmm, How YOU doin'?
I bought some fish. My friend is deploying back to the States soon and he gave me his aquarium. I had to completely re-stock it but its cool. I got some:
This week has been really relaxing. My parents took the Devil Children on holiday for the week so me and Kirstie have been relaxing and other things, if you know what I mean. Do you know what I mean? Just checking. You know I mean sex, right?
It's been nice. Picking her up from work and then having nothing to do. Just watching crappy TV, old movies and spending a lot of time in bed. We never lived together before our eldest was born so this is the first time in the 11-odd years we've been together that we've experienced this.
My brother and his girl are getting married next year and I've been told that there's a fair chance he'll ask me to be best man. It would be an honour and all but I don't actually WANT to be anyones best man, ever. I hate public speaking and really don't want the responsibility. I'll do it for him if he asks me though, get ready for the worst speech ever.
In video game news (some of you will stop reading at this point and some will get really excited) I GOT ROCK BAND. If there's anyone out there who managed to miss the huge marketing campaign it's this:
I'm not that good though.
You also have a mic and a guitar. It's sad that pressing a few coloured buttons in time with a song makes me feel so cool but it does. My band have the best name ever - AL BINO & THE FIRM LOVERS.
The other night I was watching TV and one of those programmes came on, the type that you have no interest in and actual feel dirty watching but it's so ridiculous that you can't look away. It was called "My car is my lover" or words to that effect. There were these guys who have sexual relationships with their vehicles (remind me never to accept a ride from anyone ever again), they were shown polishing and LICKING the cars and humping the door and such. It wasn't just restricted to cars though, in a moment which raped my whole childhood, one described how he managed to get into the hangar and molested AIRWOLF! I need a shower just thinking about it. Just goes to show how crazy some people really are. Dirty Fuckers.
On Wednesday, Kirstie and I are going to see Avril Lavigne. Her brother bought the tickets for him and his girl but they can't go so he gave them to us. I wouldn't mind as, even though it's not my taste, a gig's a gig.
I am imagining, though, a scenario where I stand about 2 feet above the surrounding 12 year old girls in the crowd. Much beer will be needed I think.
On a more serious, and pissed off note, I paid 1.30 this morning for a litre of Diesel. What's that all about? It seems like every morning I wake up these days, I bend over to pull up my socks and our esteemed leader, Gordon, ass-fucks me. 1.30, just for the right to go to work and pay them more taxes?
"Chastity - the most unnatural of all the sexual perversions. "
Aldous Huxley
you're all troubleee.!