Some of you may have read my blog about my trip to cinema with a friend of mine if not, please take the time as it is directly related to this blog post.
There was a comment from Deinorra on there that goes like this:
"The U.S.A army and its controllers are just bunch of fuckin freaks that only have power to kill the innocent childs. What they call democracy is bullshit, they are after resources and the dominiton of middle-east. What they do in Iraq is unnaccaptable and I just can't believe that you stoodup with that fucking anthem!!! "
This annoyed me a bit as I have friends who are recently back from risking their life in the middle east and who I respect hugely for their bravery. So I replied:
"I think it's a bit uncalled for to take that sort of attitude. My friends are in the military and have all served in either Afghanistan or Iraq and I give them full credit for their bravery. To a man, they have all expressed to me that they dont agree with all of the decisions that have been made in this war but they signed up, so they do as they are ordered.
Whatever the reason for entering Iraq, the world is a better place without Saddam in it.
Yes, I stood up. Not because the anthem meant anything to me but because it means something to the person I was with. It's called respect. If the fact that America is involved in a war is enough for you to hate everyone who is from that country for the rest of your life, I feel very sorry for you and would like you to decline the friend request I sent before I realised what you are actually like. "
Now this is the part I have a problem with is this, rather than posting her reply for all to see as a comment, she sent me a message. Here it is:
"I hate Saddam as equaly as everyone. Killing Saddam? If it worth bombing babies, raping their women, torturing them, I will chosse Saddam to live.
From now on, all I can say is I hope one day the turn will come to you, soldiers take your lungs out and kill your children but first rape your wife in front of you. Then in your last seconds you can still say "Oh yes, at least they killed Saddam before fucking my wife".
See you in another life... Never message me again."
Is this a disgusting message or am I over-reacting?
I think that the fact that she chose not to put it where everyone could read it says that she knew it was wrong. To be honest, I dont actually care about what she said, I do think it was a bit over the top but mostly didnt think it was right that she hide behind a message when expressing her disturbing views.
Also, she made me all serious! Never fear, I'll be back to my usual self later.
See Ya.
"Today let us also remember the brave soldiers who died for our freedom and our veterans who selflessly stood in harm's way to guard our freedoms."
Michael N. Castle
There was a comment from Deinorra on there that goes like this:
"The U.S.A army and its controllers are just bunch of fuckin freaks that only have power to kill the innocent childs. What they call democracy is bullshit, they are after resources and the dominiton of middle-east. What they do in Iraq is unnaccaptable and I just can't believe that you stoodup with that fucking anthem!!! "
This annoyed me a bit as I have friends who are recently back from risking their life in the middle east and who I respect hugely for their bravery. So I replied:
"I think it's a bit uncalled for to take that sort of attitude. My friends are in the military and have all served in either Afghanistan or Iraq and I give them full credit for their bravery. To a man, they have all expressed to me that they dont agree with all of the decisions that have been made in this war but they signed up, so they do as they are ordered.
Whatever the reason for entering Iraq, the world is a better place without Saddam in it.
Yes, I stood up. Not because the anthem meant anything to me but because it means something to the person I was with. It's called respect. If the fact that America is involved in a war is enough for you to hate everyone who is from that country for the rest of your life, I feel very sorry for you and would like you to decline the friend request I sent before I realised what you are actually like. "
Now this is the part I have a problem with is this, rather than posting her reply for all to see as a comment, she sent me a message. Here it is:
"I hate Saddam as equaly as everyone. Killing Saddam? If it worth bombing babies, raping their women, torturing them, I will chosse Saddam to live.
From now on, all I can say is I hope one day the turn will come to you, soldiers take your lungs out and kill your children but first rape your wife in front of you. Then in your last seconds you can still say "Oh yes, at least they killed Saddam before fucking my wife".
See you in another life... Never message me again."
Is this a disgusting message or am I over-reacting?
I think that the fact that she chose not to put it where everyone could read it says that she knew it was wrong. To be honest, I dont actually care about what she said, I do think it was a bit over the top but mostly didnt think it was right that she hide behind a message when expressing her disturbing views.
Also, she made me all serious! Never fear, I'll be back to my usual self later.
See Ya.
"Today let us also remember the brave soldiers who died for our freedom and our veterans who selflessly stood in harm's way to guard our freedoms."
Michael N. Castle
I had read your previous blog, and I totally understood the point you were making, and I was quite impressed with your attitude and respect for your friends and their culture. It truly is a shame that someone so narrow-minded decided to spew her ignorance and rage against your blog, it was totally uncalled for. Thank you for calling her on her BS, and for letting everyone else know too. Someone very special to me is leaving Iraq today, and while I totally disagree with why he had to be there, I am truly honored to know him, and I'm proud of the work he's done there. We as humans, have to treat others well, starting with the people in our community, whether it's online, next door, or across the oceans, or we will all end up at war with ourselves.
Meh. My lady is trying to drag me off to one of those fancy LA night clubs called Skybar. It's one of those places famous for being an exclusive celeb hangout. I'm trying to get out of it. Not only do i think places like that are ass, but there is the Annual West Hollywood Halloween parade in the area. It'll be impossible to get around. It looks like i'll be working late today anyway.