When all is said and done, I hope you look back on the life we had together and smile. Through the good times and the bad, I loved you with unwavering devotion. I worry for you, that you'll never find someone to make you happy enough that you'll grow old with them. Thinking of you alone makes me sad. But you have him and say...
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So, speaking to her last night and she feels fine with the way she kept me hanging on and paying the bills, desperate to come home, while she was fucking her new boyfriend. She can sleep at night and she's happy in herself. I hung up after hearing this, then I punched the wall, then I spent the night at the hospital and the upshot...
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No problem about the advice, anytime. I made my Ex my only friend, when she dumped me i had no one to turn to, not even to listen to the irrational ramblings that always happen after a devastation. I had to quit my job because the thoughts in my head just couldn't vent out. Keep blogging man, If people don't want to know, they simply won't read it.
Also funny about the Ink; when my Ex broke up with me, I had the words "Es tan corto el amor y tan largo el olvido" inscribed on my back. It means "Love is so short and forgetting is so long" from a poem by Pablo Neruda. I don't regret it for a moment.
Hope you start feeling more awesome.
Also funny about the Ink; when my Ex broke up with me, I had the words "Es tan corto el amor y tan largo el olvido" inscribed on my back. It means "Love is so short and forgetting is so long" from a poem by Pablo Neruda. I don't regret it for a moment.
Hope you start feeling more awesome.
haha, great minds think alike? lets hope MMA doesn't turn into a lonely hearts club... though that does mean more single women? hmmm. anyway! Look for a Krav maga gym near you, (some pretty good ones in london) they use real situation building and you may get more out of it whilst your hand is broken, also it can be incredibly aggressive. Running is an awesome idea too, I jog 4 miles a day at the moment, clears your head so much.
An cheeers, my BSFKB is out there somewhere! ha!
An cheeers, my BSFKB is out there somewhere! ha!
After all that she has done to me, all the lies she has told and the times she has been unfaithful: I hear her say that she misses me and thinks about me a lot and my heart is happy.
My head is saying "run, you fool" but my heart belongs to her alone. My head wonders if these words are spoken to keep me...
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My head is saying "run, you fool" but my heart belongs to her alone. My head wonders if these words are spoken to keep me...
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mate...we're singing from the same hymn sheet. i find myself in the same situation as you....not pleasant..heartbreaking in fact. for all the people that say ''you gotta let her go..''? i'm the one who'll say...i know you cant. i know you want to. but it's so freakin hard. i've been trying to let go for 6 months. seriously, i really do know what you're going thru...every ache, every tear, every moment that you cant get her out of your head.
i'm with you my man, i'm with you. be strong.
i'm with you my man, i'm with you. be strong.
Without indulging in diagnosis as that would be utterly inappropriate, I would strongly, strongly recommend you run out and purchase this book and here's the link to one possible explanation of what might have been unfolding: http://www.bpdcentral.com/bks/swoe.php
Among other things, the classic tendencies of BPD and/or NPD folk is that they shift frames of reality and you are alternatively 'good person/bad person' - strikingly, the partner/lover of such a person usually ends up feeling as though they are at fault, miss the (really) abusive 'love' of the BPD/NPD, and spend time wishing for the person they love to come back.
Among other things, the classic tendencies of BPD and/or NPD folk is that they shift frames of reality and you are alternatively 'good person/bad person' - strikingly, the partner/lover of such a person usually ends up feeling as though they are at fault, miss the (really) abusive 'love' of the BPD/NPD, and spend time wishing for the person they love to come back.
For the past 13 years I have been in love with the most amazing, beautiful woman I have ever met and for the past 8 I have been married to her. She doesn't even exist though. The woman I have actually been in a relationship with is the type of cold-hearted person who would attempt to cheat on you with your brother and lie throughout...
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I don't brat myself up about it. I don't mind it all. Its other people that are ignorant. That's annoying.
I've missed you around here but I understand your absence.Very sorry for your pain but being with someone who is cheating and deceiving you is someone best left behind. Do what you need to keep in touch with your children but that woman is poison to you. You deserve better.
As this cold & snowy week comes to a close, I sit here a very tired but employed man.
I've loved being back at work, it's amazing how you feel like a much more worthwhile member of the human race when you have a job to go to. I'm only working in a warehouse/ shop but it's been good having other people around me and...
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I've loved being back at work, it's amazing how you feel like a much more worthwhile member of the human race when you have a job to go to. I'm only working in a warehouse/ shop but it's been good having other people around me and...
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hey! congrats on the new job! still not used to seeing you post 'round here again... i don't check blogs like i used to....
i hope you had wondrous holidays!
i hope you had wondrous holidays!

England is always in a constant state of surprise where snow is concerned.
I hope that you had a nice rest over Christmas Darling.
I hope that you had a nice rest over Christmas Darling.

Introducing, the new and improved Hypersage, now with 100% more employment.
After 9 months looking for work and struggling by on whatever savings we had and the pittance that the government gave us, I could not be more relieved. Ok, I'm not going to be a captain of industry or anything but it's a permanent job and regular money, which about all you can hope...
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After 9 months looking for work and struggling by on whatever savings we had and the pittance that the government gave us, I could not be more relieved. Ok, I'm not going to be a captain of industry or anything but it's a permanent job and regular money, which about all you can hope...
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Fuck yeah! Congrats bro. Oh, and when i do manage to come back over, we'll definitely have to hit some parks while it's pissing down with rain. Ahhh, memories....
Aww thank you! That's so sweet to say, I'm happy. 

As I sit here writing this, I wonder who will read it. The old friends I used to have here? New people who will go on to become friends? A bit of both I hope.
It's been a while since my account expired and I decided that it wasn't worth renewing. The decisions for this were partly financial and partly because I was feeling a...
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It's been a while since my account expired and I decided that it wasn't worth renewing. The decisions for this were partly financial and partly because I was feeling a...
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Yea, not too mention he's horribly spoiled!
It wasn't super painful, but the guy who did it (it was at a shop I don't normally go to because I know the piercer and he was giving me a discount for my bday) he did it really slow and it kinda sucked a little, but I'll live. 

Wow, it's been a while.
I don't really have anything to say but I wanted to catch up with you guys.
Thing's are pretty tough for everyone right now so, not wanting to bore anyone with my troubles, I'll just say that life is giving me plenty of opportunities to show how strong, patient and forgiving I am right now.
I hope you're all doing...
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I don't really have anything to say but I wanted to catch up with you guys.
Thing's are pretty tough for everyone right now so, not wanting to bore anyone with my troubles, I'll just say that life is giving me plenty of opportunities to show how strong, patient and forgiving I am right now.
I hope you're all doing...
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I miss youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How are you doing? Been awhile since I have heard from you.
This weekend, my time as a young stallion will come to an end and my retirement to the glue factory will draw ever closer as I pass, majestically, into official geezerdom.
I thought this would be an apt moment to reflect upon my younger days, more specifically the things I miss about them.
Ignorance Might as well start on a serious note. Life was so...
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I thought this would be an apt moment to reflect upon my younger days, more specifically the things I miss about them.
Ignorance Might as well start on a serious note. Life was so...
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aw you took me through a little childhood journey of my own....
i never thought about he-man not being able to scratch his nose. i think went to an entire dinosaur exhibition made of holograms as a kid. remember super ted? he was british wasnt he? he was so cool.
happy belated birthday! i just had one too...
i never thought about he-man not being able to scratch his nose. i think went to an entire dinosaur exhibition made of holograms as a kid. remember super ted? he was british wasnt he? he was so cool.
happy belated birthday! i just had one too...

Thinking of you a bunch these days! How are you?

I was gonna write a long post about this time of year and what's been going on but, honestly, I'm sick and I can't be bothered.
I did want to say Merry Christmas to you all though...
... Merry Christmas.
"Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth,...
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I did want to say Merry Christmas to you all though...
... Merry Christmas.

"Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth,...
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Happy Holidays!

Are you feeling any better yet?? I sure hope so...being sick during the holidays just blows!
How was your Christmas? I hope Santa brought you every little thing your heart desired
How was your Christmas? I hope Santa brought you every little thing your heart desired

now you can begin to make a life for yourself and move along.
dont be a stranger