I'm back, for a little bit anyway, had do go back to my favorite place....Camp Lejeune NC, those of you you who read my old journals know how much I just love being down there. Anyway, I took a great class for the past two weeks the the military atually said "do not talk about." So I won't, even though it was way cool and I'm very happy to have had it before deployment. I came home last night, to a pile of mail that included my official orders. I have 22 days left at home, I have so much shit to settle before I leave, it's crazy, not to mention, I should Christmas shop. Christmas is odd this year, all my gifts are related to deployment, better holsters, comfortable underware, mp3 players, burned DVD's, all this crap that we won't get issued but will make life better. Anyway, what did I miss the past two weeks!?
So small I can't wait to start school, finish, and then be done with this small world HERE.