I'm sick, I'm sick, I'm sick!!!!! I've been awake for the better part of four days, in that time I've eaten a peach, two bananas, and a pizelle. Not to mention attempting to drink a ton of water. I seem to have the plague, I don't know what it is, I just lie awake in this stupid numbing pain and try to self diagnose based of symptoms. It seems to be a cross between malaria and the common cold. (just kidding) whatever it is is sucks! I have less than a week left til I leave and I spent the weekend indoors, I watched two seasons of "The Young Ones" and looked on pathetically as my dog try to coax me to play. I missed a training fire and my last ballgame of the season, a double-header that we split I guess, I'll be gone for the remainder of the season. Okay, enough whining, my voice does not work either, so it's whiny text.
Indeed, this is my second year here, and I will be coming back for a 3rd if you can believe that one. I got here rather in an odd manner. I was reading the phone book one day (yes, how else do you learn what your resources are?) at my former job, and came across something in the yellow pages that said, Antarctic Support Associates. I found it most curious, so I called them. I spoke to the receptionist to learn what it was ASA did. She gave me a website address, and about 3 days later I was hired. The rest they say is history. I do have some better photos here:
Right now we are in the winter season and darkness. We have no flights coming in until the end of August, of which I am so looking forward to, merely for some old skool Godzilla DVD's. (simplest pleasures really) So it is white, and it is dark and cold. A few weeks ago we were holding steady at minus 105F. It was a long week.