A Fellow SGer has made his way off into the land of Afghanistan. He is a part of the reserves, and I believe (If I remember correctly, is a medic), so here is his journal entry with his information, maybe you all could send him some goodwill!
note: Please, if you disagree with the war, that is fine. You are entitled to your opinion, this IS a free country... just please, don't send your sentiments his way, or to any of the troops. Send that opinion to where it will count, to your elected officials.
That address is provided so that he can find a reason to hunker down, save our troops, and survive through his 12 month tour.
I know from my time in the Army, and having been deployed for as many as 6 month stints, that mail is one of the highlights of deployment. So lets show him some goodwill

On a better note, somehow through someone or something, I found this website, if you like funny shirts, go check them out.
But damn you and that tshirt link. I fell in love with this: