LostLucy, I just came across your blog about politics and decided to read it! Now I am going to post about it! So as not to take up a ton of comment space in your blog, I am going to add my own!
I too want Obama. While I am not a democrat, rather a dirty NPA (I hate calling myself independent, because half the time someone ends up running on an Independent ticket... that is what I call laziness... pick one of the 98 registered parties damnit!), I feel that he is the best solution for our economy for right now. In 4 years? I don't know... lets see how he does these first 4.
For VP, I don't want Clinton. Edwards would be nice, once they got into office. The problem is, Edwards could not get Obama there. Why? He has NO charisma. I would go so far as to say he has negative charisma. He, however, is very intelligent, has good, sound policies and seems to be committed to doing the right thing.
My other problem with Edwards came from a "town hall" style meeting he had on MTV or.. yes, MTV. It was all college age people that he was addressing. Now you know, if these college aged kids showed up to HIS meeting, they are probably fairly versed on what he stands for, did, etc. and they simply want to dig into his policies and really get a grip, right? Well, John Edwards didn't seem to think so and kept on saying, before every time he talked about one of the things he does, "you may not know this, but...".
That really got on my nerve. I felt like he was degrading their intelligence. Anyhow, something to be worked on for his speeches and his meetings.
But who for VP? If not Clinton and Obama, then who? I have not had time to dig in further. It was certainly interesting readling LostLucy's blog.
I have to say this. The only way that we, as a nation, have ever gotten out of a recession is when the government has created jobs for us. This required two things 1) jobs to be created... cabinets made, departments created... who cares what for, as long as they are jobs that give people economic security and the ability to spend their money on things other than their bills. and 2) the people to except the fact that just because they are trained in one thing, doesn't mean that they have to do that one thing.
Let me give an example of the latter.
I will do it in picture form...

I too want Obama. While I am not a democrat, rather a dirty NPA (I hate calling myself independent, because half the time someone ends up running on an Independent ticket... that is what I call laziness... pick one of the 98 registered parties damnit!), I feel that he is the best solution for our economy for right now. In 4 years? I don't know... lets see how he does these first 4.
For VP, I don't want Clinton. Edwards would be nice, once they got into office. The problem is, Edwards could not get Obama there. Why? He has NO charisma. I would go so far as to say he has negative charisma. He, however, is very intelligent, has good, sound policies and seems to be committed to doing the right thing.
My other problem with Edwards came from a "town hall" style meeting he had on MTV or.. yes, MTV. It was all college age people that he was addressing. Now you know, if these college aged kids showed up to HIS meeting, they are probably fairly versed on what he stands for, did, etc. and they simply want to dig into his policies and really get a grip, right? Well, John Edwards didn't seem to think so and kept on saying, before every time he talked about one of the things he does, "you may not know this, but...".
That really got on my nerve. I felt like he was degrading their intelligence. Anyhow, something to be worked on for his speeches and his meetings.
But who for VP? If not Clinton and Obama, then who? I have not had time to dig in further. It was certainly interesting readling LostLucy's blog.
I have to say this. The only way that we, as a nation, have ever gotten out of a recession is when the government has created jobs for us. This required two things 1) jobs to be created... cabinets made, departments created... who cares what for, as long as they are jobs that give people economic security and the ability to spend their money on things other than their bills. and 2) the people to except the fact that just because they are trained in one thing, doesn't mean that they have to do that one thing.
Let me give an example of the latter.
I will do it in picture form...

I think he is looking closely at the three politicans from Virginia --
Mark warner
Jim Webb or TIme Kaine
It is so exciting bc I've been on board for Obama since the 2004 Democratic Convention!