So every now and again I post about an SG or SG's set that i think is just incredibly hot. Since we are all into porn here, I will go ahead and do this again, and I am sure that most of you will certianly agree that this is, indeed, an incredibly hot set.

Soren's Set
So... this one is quite a combo for me. I love freckles, I love a great ass, great chest, great body, shaved....
Wow... sperfendicular! Yeah, you go figure out what that means, I haven't the time or a clue

Soren's Set
So... this one is quite a combo for me. I love freckles, I love a great ass, great chest, great body, shaved....
Wow... sperfendicular! Yeah, you go figure out what that means, I haven't the time or a clue

While living under their roof I couldn't cut my hair for the longest time, and when I did all hell broke loose. Forget dying, bleaching, or getting a tattoo. My mother flipped out when I got my cartilage pierced! Still, I'm also trying to get knocked up, and so I'm doing everything I can't or shouldn't do while pregnant. Hopefully it will work, or my next idea is having backseat car sex with a letterman jacket on, haha.