Dear ones,
So I've entered a contest with a fair trade organization the Noonday Collection to visit women rescued from violence and abuse that are now able to support themselves and their families by creating fair trade products. The winner will spend time with the beautiful artisans, absorb their stories, struggles and triumphs to then convey them to the western, purchasing world.
Please Please Please Vote for me!!! Multiple times! From your computer, from your friends computers, from your phones! Every day til Wednesday! Fair Trade means the world to me because it is not only empowering to artisans, farmers, and producers world-wide, it is empowering to us- the consumers! Money is power, and power is in our hands... Realizing how much of a difference where and how you spend your money helped me to understand how connected we all our in the global economy... I would love the opportunity to experience the beautiful intimacy that a trading partnership which embraces dignity, respect, love, and equality celebrates!
We're all in this world together, I am not a religious person... but I believe with my whole heart that we are here to love and cherish each other- even those across oceans. Why be a gluten when you can give strength? Why exploit others, when you can empower??
With love,
Hypatia <3