Let's go to Brazil and protest,
and Cambodia to de-mine the land and make sure children and farmers don't blow up cus of an old war that littered the earth more packed with bombs then living people,
Let's go to India to teach
and Mexico to liberate
Let's go to the Ivory Coast
and release Nestle's child slaves
who have never tasted chocolate

Let's go downtown and wheat paste Patrice Lumumba, Alberto Patishtan, Angela Davis and the Zapatistas

we can start by learning Portuguese and listening to Os Mutantes
here's a picture of me shooting an arrow

I'll fucking protect you when the world ends
(that's not a poem, just a series of thoughts I'm having lying here sick on a Friday night with my dog and youtube)

and Cambodia to de-mine the land and make sure children and farmers don't blow up cus of an old war that littered the earth more packed with bombs then living people,
Let's go to India to teach
and Mexico to liberate
Let's go to the Ivory Coast
and release Nestle's child slaves
who have never tasted chocolate

Let's go downtown and wheat paste Patrice Lumumba, Alberto Patishtan, Angela Davis and the Zapatistas

we can start by learning Portuguese and listening to Os Mutantes
here's a picture of me shooting an arrow

I'll fucking protect you when the world ends
(that's not a poem, just a series of thoughts I'm having lying here sick on a Friday night with my dog and youtube)

Hey, Amazon girl, You are more than welcome if you ever come to Mexico!! Any place you decide to visit for liberation is in need. From the Southern state of Chiapas, where progressive and autonomous Zapatista communities are being attacked by government-soponsored paramilitary groups; all the way up North to Tamaulipas, where drug cartels and the military are turning towns into combat zones, and are abusing and killing migrants from Central America; then all the way West to Michoacán, where self-defense civil groups are combating drug cartels because the government is not doing its job and is trying to set them up to fight each other; and then the center megalopolis of Mexico City, where pollution is dangerously high, a few public protests are being repressed by local police, and local government corruption had a recently-built subway line closed due to construction failures... You name it!! Unemployment, corruption, recession, crime, violence, poverty... Choose your subject. Or you can just come down to visit, learn, and relax. Still can find beautiful places and warm people, like yours truly!! ;)
I wanna go everywhere!!! @mantraxlive