Front Page ya'll! Unbelievable!!! Thank you thank you thank you for all of your lovely support, what a wonderful birthday gift you've given me... a dream come true! Love you all!
So sorry I haven't posted in a long time! You just wouldn't believe it.... I was in the middle of writing a very well thought out blog a couple weeks ago, went out to walk my dog, and when I came back home.... my computer was stolen!!!
No joke... our house got robbed!!! They stole my computer, the register for my roommates and my farmers market business, my other roommates purse (first purchase on her card was red box... probably rented "Bruce Almighty" or some Kate Hudson movie) and a box of HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS! Those monsters!!!!
Anyway.... that was one day before my 24th birthday, and I was feeling really down... but a rather nice elderly man that frequents my coffee shop straight up gave me a new computer!! AMAZING!! Thank you universe for frequent customers!!
OK! So.... what I was originally gonna write about was the craziness that was JULY!!!
From the beginning, there was this:
and woaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... although Mercury is now out of retrograde... things are still a bit crazy in my neck o'da'woods.
July was a month for activism:
Early on I attended an "End Gap Death traps" Protest in front of a near-by store:
Almost 2,000 people have been killed in factory fires and building collapses in Bangladesh since 2005, and I believe that it is our job as consumers to hold companies accountable for the way they do business.... clothing companies, and many many other industries... have blood all over their hands, and we are NOT POWERLESS! We have money, we have choices... as one of my favorite quotes says...
This is why I fight so hard to spread FAIR TRADE awareness... Fair Trade totally sounds like one of those buzz words, or a label used to make coffee more expensive (not even really though, you can pick up super affordable Archer Farms FT coffee at Target for LESS then the non FT Dunkin Donuts brand) but it means that every individual in the process of your product was making a fair living wage in a safe work environment. You are paying for the piece of mind that that coffee, tea, cotton... and a big offender... CHOCOLATE was not harvested by children and slaves.
Another powerful quote from a young girl who was previously one of the 200,000 estimated child slaves working in cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast is:
"When People Eat Chocolate, They are Eating My flesh."
When I was a photography major in college, I did a project called "Monsters" based on consumption, this was the picture I used for this quote:
hmmm..yes. I look good don't I?!
I would like you all to feel super empowered though!! For instance:
You can sign here to End Gap Death traps!!
Also this month....
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many hours at the Texas State Capitol!
We were the fighting orange! We were fighting for our reproductive rights, our rights to choose life....or an abortion, or rights to pap smears, biopsies, contraception, breast cancer screenings..... etc
This was my sign:
This was my roommate leading the
"when women's right are under attack, what do we do? STAND UP FIGHT BACK" chant:
This was me in the rotunda amidst a whole lot-a blue clad right winners praying for the unborn... literally... praying.
Remarkably... they won. ohhhh man. here's my girl Wendy Davis talking about the repercussions of the bill HB2passing.
To depressing to continue talking about... we're living in the dark ages here in the great country of Texas!!!
Also in July....
Coffee Farmers, weaving co-ops, zapatistas.... freedom fighters! fairness fighters!! WOW! Such an exhausted, but such an amazing experience!
One of my favorite parts was visiting a coffee coop, visiting the farm... and visiting the coffee shop an hour away in beautiful San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas! The coolest thing about this was... the girls running the coffee shop were the daughters of the farmers. and the coffee shop is used as a social space for said farmers to organize and share experiences!! COOLEST THING EVER!
Also while in Chiapas I learned about the case of Alberto Patishtan. Patishtan was an indigenous teacher who was accused by the government of a crime that he did not commit. That there is no evidence to prove he committed, yet... he has served 13 years in prison. He is a human rights activist that organizes prisoners and teaches other indigenous prisoners Spanish so that they can defend themselves in court.
In solidarity with this movement, I organized a photo project at my non profit's debut party in which party go-ers learned his story and held his sign!! You can be part of this movement by printing out his picture, taking a photo of your beautiful self holding the picture and sending it to or
the age of social media is upon is... and it makes it so easy to
So JULY is almost over... it's been a roller coaster of emotions, and it's on it's way out! But all in all, life is pretty great...
My non-profit is going strong. And I plan on using the $$$ from SG to put aside for my travels to INDIA to work with kids and women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!
Love you Love you Love you,
So sorry I haven't posted in a long time! You just wouldn't believe it.... I was in the middle of writing a very well thought out blog a couple weeks ago, went out to walk my dog, and when I came back home.... my computer was stolen!!!

No joke... our house got robbed!!! They stole my computer, the register for my roommates and my farmers market business, my other roommates purse (first purchase on her card was red box... probably rented "Bruce Almighty" or some Kate Hudson movie) and a box of HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS! Those monsters!!!!
Anyway.... that was one day before my 24th birthday, and I was feeling really down... but a rather nice elderly man that frequents my coffee shop straight up gave me a new computer!! AMAZING!! Thank you universe for frequent customers!!
OK! So.... what I was originally gonna write about was the craziness that was JULY!!!
From the beginning, there was this:

and woaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... although Mercury is now out of retrograde... things are still a bit crazy in my neck o'da'woods.
July was a month for activism:
Early on I attended an "End Gap Death traps" Protest in front of a near-by store:

Almost 2,000 people have been killed in factory fires and building collapses in Bangladesh since 2005, and I believe that it is our job as consumers to hold companies accountable for the way they do business.... clothing companies, and many many other industries... have blood all over their hands, and we are NOT POWERLESS! We have money, we have choices... as one of my favorite quotes says...

This is why I fight so hard to spread FAIR TRADE awareness... Fair Trade totally sounds like one of those buzz words, or a label used to make coffee more expensive (not even really though, you can pick up super affordable Archer Farms FT coffee at Target for LESS then the non FT Dunkin Donuts brand) but it means that every individual in the process of your product was making a fair living wage in a safe work environment. You are paying for the piece of mind that that coffee, tea, cotton... and a big offender... CHOCOLATE was not harvested by children and slaves.
Another powerful quote from a young girl who was previously one of the 200,000 estimated child slaves working in cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast is:
"When People Eat Chocolate, They are Eating My flesh."
When I was a photography major in college, I did a project called "Monsters" based on consumption, this was the picture I used for this quote:

hmmm..yes. I look good don't I?!
I would like you all to feel super empowered though!! For instance:
You can sign here to End Gap Death traps!!
Also this month....
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many hours at the Texas State Capitol!
We were the fighting orange! We were fighting for our reproductive rights, our rights to choose life....or an abortion, or rights to pap smears, biopsies, contraception, breast cancer screenings..... etc
This was my sign:

This was my roommate leading the
"when women's right are under attack, what do we do? STAND UP FIGHT BACK" chant:

This was me in the rotunda amidst a whole lot-a blue clad right winners praying for the unborn... literally... praying.

Remarkably... they won. ohhhh man. here's my girl Wendy Davis talking about the repercussions of the bill HB2passing.
To depressing to continue talking about... we're living in the dark ages here in the great country of Texas!!!
Also in July....
Coffee Farmers, weaving co-ops, zapatistas.... freedom fighters! fairness fighters!! WOW! Such an exhausted, but such an amazing experience!
One of my favorite parts was visiting a coffee coop, visiting the farm... and visiting the coffee shop an hour away in beautiful San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas! The coolest thing about this was... the girls running the coffee shop were the daughters of the farmers. and the coffee shop is used as a social space for said farmers to organize and share experiences!! COOLEST THING EVER!
Also while in Chiapas I learned about the case of Alberto Patishtan. Patishtan was an indigenous teacher who was accused by the government of a crime that he did not commit. That there is no evidence to prove he committed, yet... he has served 13 years in prison. He is a human rights activist that organizes prisoners and teaches other indigenous prisoners Spanish so that they can defend themselves in court.

In solidarity with this movement, I organized a photo project at my non profit's debut party in which party go-ers learned his story and held his sign!! You can be part of this movement by printing out his picture, taking a photo of your beautiful self holding the picture and sending it to or
the age of social media is upon is... and it makes it so easy to

So JULY is almost over... it's been a roller coaster of emotions, and it's on it's way out! But all in all, life is pretty great...
My non-profit is going strong. And I plan on using the $$$ from SG to put aside for my travels to INDIA to work with kids and women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!
Love you Love you Love you,
Congrats on the FP!
u are so cute <3