I would very much to expand that little dropdown box to include, "gratitude"
That being said,
"Who Loves the Sun" has been up for 24 hours now, and gee... I'm just overwhelmed!
Thank you, of course to Alissa and Simbol and mister_ and thank y'all for the comments and love, and thank you to all the women of this site for being brave and powerful and unique!
And to my namesake,a little known hero: Hypatia of Alexandria .... a woman with "The mind of Plato in the body of Aphrodite."

Here's a gruesome tale:
Hypatia was a mathematician, philosopher and astronomer of the Neo-platonic doctrine in ancient Alexandria. In the year 412, the arch bishop, Cyril had her brutally murdered (by a mob, skinned with fucking shards of pottery!) because he was intimidated by her scholarly influence on men, and his belief in the Pauline doctrine that women should be subservient and not voice their opinions in public. He and other Christians found it paganistic that a women should teach and speak; though Hypatia was free of superstitions and emphasized the laws of numbers and stars. She's also credited with the invention of an astrolabe, an instrument used in predicting the position of the sun, moon, planets and stars. AND she was the first woman to road trip, completely unheard of in those days! Traveling from Alexandria to Athens to study at the School of Athens!
I learned all this waiting for an ex-boyfriend to get home watching Agora on Netflix. Lord knows I love biopics...and Rachel Weisz:

In 1510, Raphael painted The School of Athens

The bishops that were commissioning his work were pissed that he included Hypatia in the center, (cus you know... the women hating) though he stated that she was, "the most famous student of the School of Athens." So, being the original rebellious artist, Raphael said, "fuck you church," and snuck her in to the side :

Raphael, you sly dog!!!
Hypatia was a badass, and a genius... an influential mathematician (I can barely count change back) who would not be silenced by the patriarchal society that literally had to rip the skin from her bones to stop her. In a way, every woman has a little Hypatia in her; that is fight, and passion, and an absolute need to do what she believes in, even when surrounded by powerful adversaries.
Thank you again everyone! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Hypatia of Texas
That being said,

"Who Loves the Sun" has been up for 24 hours now, and gee... I'm just overwhelmed!
Thank you, of course to Alissa and Simbol and mister_ and thank y'all for the comments and love, and thank you to all the women of this site for being brave and powerful and unique!
And to my namesake,a little known hero: Hypatia of Alexandria .... a woman with "The mind of Plato in the body of Aphrodite."

Here's a gruesome tale:
Hypatia was a mathematician, philosopher and astronomer of the Neo-platonic doctrine in ancient Alexandria. In the year 412, the arch bishop, Cyril had her brutally murdered (by a mob, skinned with fucking shards of pottery!) because he was intimidated by her scholarly influence on men, and his belief in the Pauline doctrine that women should be subservient and not voice their opinions in public. He and other Christians found it paganistic that a women should teach and speak; though Hypatia was free of superstitions and emphasized the laws of numbers and stars. She's also credited with the invention of an astrolabe, an instrument used in predicting the position of the sun, moon, planets and stars. AND she was the first woman to road trip, completely unheard of in those days! Traveling from Alexandria to Athens to study at the School of Athens!
I learned all this waiting for an ex-boyfriend to get home watching Agora on Netflix. Lord knows I love biopics...and Rachel Weisz:

In 1510, Raphael painted The School of Athens

The bishops that were commissioning his work were pissed that he included Hypatia in the center, (cus you know... the women hating) though he stated that she was, "the most famous student of the School of Athens." So, being the original rebellious artist, Raphael said, "fuck you church," and snuck her in to the side :

Raphael, you sly dog!!!
Hypatia was a badass, and a genius... an influential mathematician (I can barely count change back) who would not be silenced by the patriarchal society that literally had to rip the skin from her bones to stop her. In a way, every woman has a little Hypatia in her; that is fight, and passion, and an absolute need to do what she believes in, even when surrounded by powerful adversaries.
Thank you again everyone! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Hypatia of Texas
beautiful tribute to hypatia. you represent her well so far