Job Hunt: Part Two
i hooked up an answering machine today. i haven't had one in years. not since i lived alone in the decaying basement apartment on Robert street. but i figured that it would be a good idea to provide potential employers with some way of contactine me. and since i don't answer the telephone if i don't recognize the number (and often times, even if i do- i am terrified of telephones) it seemed the thing to do.
then i went to get tubes for my bike. the kind folks at the bike shop replaced the tubes and put a new chain on, and gave me a discount since i know a guy who works there- Whiskey Mike- from the bar. all together it put me out $30. but that's okay, i thought. it's an investment. i can't rightly go applying for jobs if i can't get to them, now can i?
then i hopped on Replacement Bike (that's its name, now) and went to another art supply store. it is the less-desirable of the two that are within biking distance from my house. but i've been going there on and off for years, know the owner, and have known several people who worked there. the owner was on vacation, but his wife took my application, and seemed to think he would hire me. we'll see.
the other art supply place still hasn't gotten back to me. but my friend who works there called while i was out. i know this because he left a message on the newly installed machine. so i returned the call. he said the boss is going to have to hire someone soon, but is unsure as to whether i'm going to be one of these people. you might remember this guy from previous journal entries; he's the one who thinks i'm overqualified.
but the same friend did inform me that a woman who teaches at a local all-girls school is looking for a substitute art teacher to replace her when she goes on maternity leave. the problem is that this job would be from October until December. while it seems like an awesome gig (i'd be teaching drawing, 2-D design, ceramics, and art history to 8th-12th grade Catholic girls) i'm hesitant to express interest. i need work now. and i would not feel right getting a job just to quit in a few months. and after the teaching gig was over, i would be back where i started.
i think i'm still going to contact the woman, though. no one has given me any reason to believe i'm going to be hired soon at any of the other places. i really do hope i can find something- even temporary- before fucking October. i mean, shit. i can't afford not to.
so today i'm going to give another place a call. it's a bead shop on Magazine St. that i shop at a lot. by a lot, i mean, when i have extra money to blow on beads. which is not as often as i'd like. oddly enough that's also where i buy my perfume, and i'm almost out, so i need to make a trip there anyway.
but like a dumbass i went to sleep at 5:30 pm, and just woke back up. and am one of those people than can only sleep 8 hours, max, no matter what, so going back to bed isn't an option. so i'll be up all night, and all day tomorrow. i can't let myself get back on the nighttime schedule. i need to stay focused on getting a job.
so i'm going to drink some coffee.
SG member Hypercrew was hit by a roadside bomb on Monday in Iraq.
please keep our boy in your thoughts and prayers, and here's hoping he makes a speedy recovery.
i hooked up an answering machine today. i haven't had one in years. not since i lived alone in the decaying basement apartment on Robert street. but i figured that it would be a good idea to provide potential employers with some way of contactine me. and since i don't answer the telephone if i don't recognize the number (and often times, even if i do- i am terrified of telephones) it seemed the thing to do.
then i went to get tubes for my bike. the kind folks at the bike shop replaced the tubes and put a new chain on, and gave me a discount since i know a guy who works there- Whiskey Mike- from the bar. all together it put me out $30. but that's okay, i thought. it's an investment. i can't rightly go applying for jobs if i can't get to them, now can i?
then i hopped on Replacement Bike (that's its name, now) and went to another art supply store. it is the less-desirable of the two that are within biking distance from my house. but i've been going there on and off for years, know the owner, and have known several people who worked there. the owner was on vacation, but his wife took my application, and seemed to think he would hire me. we'll see.
the other art supply place still hasn't gotten back to me. but my friend who works there called while i was out. i know this because he left a message on the newly installed machine. so i returned the call. he said the boss is going to have to hire someone soon, but is unsure as to whether i'm going to be one of these people. you might remember this guy from previous journal entries; he's the one who thinks i'm overqualified.
but the same friend did inform me that a woman who teaches at a local all-girls school is looking for a substitute art teacher to replace her when she goes on maternity leave. the problem is that this job would be from October until December. while it seems like an awesome gig (i'd be teaching drawing, 2-D design, ceramics, and art history to 8th-12th grade Catholic girls) i'm hesitant to express interest. i need work now. and i would not feel right getting a job just to quit in a few months. and after the teaching gig was over, i would be back where i started.
i think i'm still going to contact the woman, though. no one has given me any reason to believe i'm going to be hired soon at any of the other places. i really do hope i can find something- even temporary- before fucking October. i mean, shit. i can't afford not to.
so today i'm going to give another place a call. it's a bead shop on Magazine St. that i shop at a lot. by a lot, i mean, when i have extra money to blow on beads. which is not as often as i'd like. oddly enough that's also where i buy my perfume, and i'm almost out, so i need to make a trip there anyway.
but like a dumbass i went to sleep at 5:30 pm, and just woke back up. and am one of those people than can only sleep 8 hours, max, no matter what, so going back to bed isn't an option. so i'll be up all night, and all day tomorrow. i can't let myself get back on the nighttime schedule. i need to stay focused on getting a job.
so i'm going to drink some coffee.
SG member Hypercrew was hit by a roadside bomb on Monday in Iraq.
please keep our boy in your thoughts and prayers, and here's hoping he makes a speedy recovery.