hmmm. let's see. it's tuesday, right? it must be, because it's trash day. well, that's all right. the week's still young, so to speak, and there's hope yet of making the most of it.
went out for some afternoon drinking with JasonDemon yesterday, because both of us really fucking needed to get out of our houses.
went for a walk with Rhys, since i'm trying to get out and moving a little more. what to help with the losing weight. speaking of Rhys, he has made me promise not to write about him in my journal anymore, since apparently random people who know i'm on the site but are not members themselves will look up my journal entries and later approach him about things i've written. and it creeps him out. as it probably should, now that i think about it. i guess i could make all my entires "members only", but it seems like too much work.
in conclusion, all and all things are looking pretty o.k. for this week. hell, the tides could change in an instant. but right now. in this minute. i feel o.k.
update because i'm bored...
been listening to some albums i haven't heard in a while.
some thoughts:
1. how did i forget how fucking awesom Suicidal Tendencies were?
2. "the downward spiral" = not as good as i remembered; "pretty hate machine" = even better than i remembered... plus it contains some of the best fucking (in the literal, getting down and dirty, fornication sense, not the over-used and somewhat meaningless adjective sense) songs ever.
3. guilty pleasure award: Marilyn Manson, "Antichrist Superstar".
4. X, "Beyond and Back: the X anthology": i thought this wonderful two-c.d.-set got stolen along with the rest of my X, all my Leonard Cohen, and all my Fugazi c.d.s... nope, they were just in the work shed. so was my Minutemen "Ballot Results" c.d. ...who knows why. i can't even remember the last time i did any work out in the shed. huh.
5. Dead Kennedys, "Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegatables"... when you listen to a c.d. for six or seven years non-stop, sometimes you need to take a little break.
o.k. ... now someone suggest to me some new(er) music to look up. any type, style, genre, etc. i'll try anything once. the only rule is it has to have been made within the past five years. unless it's some obscure but awesome older band that you're sure i've never heard of. but mostly i'm looking for newer artist, as i've gotten a bit out of touch with contemporary music these past few years.
do we have a deal?
that's it for now.
much love to you all.
went out for some afternoon drinking with JasonDemon yesterday, because both of us really fucking needed to get out of our houses.
went for a walk with Rhys, since i'm trying to get out and moving a little more. what to help with the losing weight. speaking of Rhys, he has made me promise not to write about him in my journal anymore, since apparently random people who know i'm on the site but are not members themselves will look up my journal entries and later approach him about things i've written. and it creeps him out. as it probably should, now that i think about it. i guess i could make all my entires "members only", but it seems like too much work.
in conclusion, all and all things are looking pretty o.k. for this week. hell, the tides could change in an instant. but right now. in this minute. i feel o.k.
update because i'm bored...
been listening to some albums i haven't heard in a while.
some thoughts:
1. how did i forget how fucking awesom Suicidal Tendencies were?
2. "the downward spiral" = not as good as i remembered; "pretty hate machine" = even better than i remembered... plus it contains some of the best fucking (in the literal, getting down and dirty, fornication sense, not the over-used and somewhat meaningless adjective sense) songs ever.
3. guilty pleasure award: Marilyn Manson, "Antichrist Superstar".
4. X, "Beyond and Back: the X anthology": i thought this wonderful two-c.d.-set got stolen along with the rest of my X, all my Leonard Cohen, and all my Fugazi c.d.s... nope, they were just in the work shed. so was my Minutemen "Ballot Results" c.d. ...who knows why. i can't even remember the last time i did any work out in the shed. huh.
5. Dead Kennedys, "Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegatables"... when you listen to a c.d. for six or seven years non-stop, sometimes you need to take a little break.
o.k. ... now someone suggest to me some new(er) music to look up. any type, style, genre, etc. i'll try anything once. the only rule is it has to have been made within the past five years. unless it's some obscure but awesome older band that you're sure i've never heard of. but mostly i'm looking for newer artist, as i've gotten a bit out of touch with contemporary music these past few years.
do we have a deal?
that's it for now.
much love to you all.
Sorry I'm not much into music. I'm more of a movie buff.