for lack of a better entry, i give you:
13 things you might not know (or, for that matter, want to know) about Hyena
1. No less than 3 episodes of Futurama have made Hyena cry; not just get "teary-eyed", mind you, but full blown bawling.
2. Hyena was commited to a mental institution for a week when she was 18. They let her out two days before X-mas. Which was good. (*note: this is a very long story, and i still maintain that i only took those pills because i wanted to go to sleep, damn it. a week without sleep will make you crazy.*)
3. Hyena prefers Perrier to San Peligrino. It's fizzier.
4. Hyena can only sleep on the right side of the bed when sleeping with another person. Psycho-analysts will tell you that's because she prefers to be the dominant one in relationships. Hyena will tell you it's because it's usually the side of the bed that's against the wall, and hence it offers more security and prevents limbs from dangling off the bed and going numb. Perhaps it's a little from column A, a little from column B.
5. Hyena was completely incapable of whistling (and not for lack of trying) until age 19, when, magically, all the sudden she could whistle. She still cannot whistle on tune, however.
6. Hyena was Prom Queen 2000 at Southwestern Pulaski High School. Amazing, yes, because other than a pesky twenty pounds and a lip ring, she looks the same now as she did then. It was a true triumph for freaks and geeks everywhere. She still has the tiara and sash, although not on display.
7. Hyena was built to play football, but because Title 9 was not in effect when she tried to go out for the team, she was doomed to play soccer awkwardly for years. But she would have been a dynamite Saftey.
8. Hyena is the proud mother of Poncho, who at 2 years old and 10 pounds is the Heavyweight Champion of the Chihuahua World. Really. He has a little sign and everything.
9. Hyena's real-life initials spell, "BAD".
10. Hyena's alter-ego initials spell, "HTHWH". (*note: that's, "Hyena 'The Hard Way' Hell".)
11. Hyena is phobic of natural disasters of biblical proportions (especially plagues and floods), car crashes, and telephones.
12. Hyena does not believe that looking good is the best revenge; she believes long, drawn-out torture followed by cold-blooded murder is the best revenge.
13. Hyena would like you to post little-known, interesting, or silly factoids about yourself in the space that follows...
13 things you might not know (or, for that matter, want to know) about Hyena
1. No less than 3 episodes of Futurama have made Hyena cry; not just get "teary-eyed", mind you, but full blown bawling.
2. Hyena was commited to a mental institution for a week when she was 18. They let her out two days before X-mas. Which was good. (*note: this is a very long story, and i still maintain that i only took those pills because i wanted to go to sleep, damn it. a week without sleep will make you crazy.*)
3. Hyena prefers Perrier to San Peligrino. It's fizzier.
4. Hyena can only sleep on the right side of the bed when sleeping with another person. Psycho-analysts will tell you that's because she prefers to be the dominant one in relationships. Hyena will tell you it's because it's usually the side of the bed that's against the wall, and hence it offers more security and prevents limbs from dangling off the bed and going numb. Perhaps it's a little from column A, a little from column B.
5. Hyena was completely incapable of whistling (and not for lack of trying) until age 19, when, magically, all the sudden she could whistle. She still cannot whistle on tune, however.
6. Hyena was Prom Queen 2000 at Southwestern Pulaski High School. Amazing, yes, because other than a pesky twenty pounds and a lip ring, she looks the same now as she did then. It was a true triumph for freaks and geeks everywhere. She still has the tiara and sash, although not on display.
7. Hyena was built to play football, but because Title 9 was not in effect when she tried to go out for the team, she was doomed to play soccer awkwardly for years. But she would have been a dynamite Saftey.
8. Hyena is the proud mother of Poncho, who at 2 years old and 10 pounds is the Heavyweight Champion of the Chihuahua World. Really. He has a little sign and everything.
9. Hyena's real-life initials spell, "BAD".
10. Hyena's alter-ego initials spell, "HTHWH". (*note: that's, "Hyena 'The Hard Way' Hell".)
11. Hyena is phobic of natural disasters of biblical proportions (especially plagues and floods), car crashes, and telephones.
12. Hyena does not believe that looking good is the best revenge; she believes long, drawn-out torture followed by cold-blooded murder is the best revenge.
13. Hyena would like you to post little-known, interesting, or silly factoids about yourself in the space that follows...
Now ... based on your 13 thingers:
1. I never used to like Futurama. I would go as far as saying I wished it never aired, 'cause I couldn't stand it. But then about a year ago I watched the first episode and laughed my fucking ass off. I have been clamoring for all I can get ever since. Which episodes made your eyes leak? Was one of them the one where Bender and Frye live together with the big ass TV and Bender's antenna fucks up the signal and then he cuts it off to show his friendship to Frye?? That almost makes me wanna cry. Sort of.
2. I was brilliant enough to not show my sorrid suicidal thoughts to anyone that could fathom committing me to any type of institution. Brilliant I say. *nods emphatcially*
3. I quite prefer tap water. Fizzy water is over rated in my opinion ... water isn't supposed to be fizzy.
4. I also take the right side of the bed ... unless it is the left side that has the wall ... then I take that side and have a really crappy night sleep 'cause I'm not on the right side of the bed. I'll go along with the dominant theory on that one I guess ... even though it really has to do with the fact that I have yet to fall through a wall ... but have fallen through the air that sits beside the other side of the bed a couple times.
5. I am turning 25 in a few weeks and can still not comprehend the trick to whistling. I am, however, apparently quite capable of laughing still from me writing about falling through the air beside the bed. Damn rum.
6. In my last year of highschool, I was the Yearbook Editor, Grade Rep on Student Council and voted "Scariest person", "Most Likeable" and Valedictorian. I was the total geek loser that everyone liked. It made me feel special. Bus riding special!
7. I was built to play basketball. But a broken knee cap at age 10 and the total inability to dribble a ball without looking at it at age 24 ... and the fact that my shooting skills suck ass have made me resort to playing .... video games. And damn do I rock the computers ass. In fact, today I beat the computer 176-32 in NBA 2005. I clearly win at life.
8. I am the proud father of ... uhhh ... well ... I take some children to the pool most mornings ... but I'm not too sure how proud I am of them.
9. Bah ... my middle name is Bruce. Beat that. And it is very rare that I ever talk about my middle name. I hate it. HATE it. I am drunk now and will forget this, but I am sure it can be used for blackmail material later. That is how much I hate my middle name.
10. I secretly wish I were cool enough to have an alter ego.
11. I am phobic over spiders, millipedes ... (heck - most small bugs ... actually ... most bugs at that), being anally raped and Richard Simmons.
12. A dirty sanchez is good enough revenge for this negative influence over here.
13. I do a mean impression of Eeyore.
I used to deer hunt. In my late teens I did alot of acid and thought it would be a good idea to skin a deer, cure the pelt, and use it as a loin cloth while bowhunting. It itched.
I slur and stutter after 3 beers, but can usually handle about a case before I am shitfaced.
The first 3 letters of my last name are GAS. Ironic since I hate petroleum/oil.
I suck at every instrument I pick up, but pick them up anyway.
I dig girls who fart and laugh about it. As long as its not at the dinner table.
My mom and dad are still happily married after 30 yrs, which may not seem odd, but how many people can say that? That's what I want someday...
I am really great at business and schmuzing, two of the things I hate most in the world. Fucking capitalism.
I seldom use profanity unless online in an attempt to seem more "sophisticated". (Okay that last part was a joke, but I really don't curse often.)
Favorite things to consume for pure pleasure are: coffee, italian red wines, Gauloises/American Spirit/Camel cigarettes, real beer (not shitty american megabrews).
I feel more comfortable high above (in a tree, on a ledge, climbing rocks, etc.) than I do on land.