the moon's full tonight. there's supposed to be a lunar eclipse in about ten minutes or so. i'm going to go stand in the street and watch it. although all the information i've found says it's not supposed to be that visible. oh well. i like the moon.
right now i'm watching t.v. and drinking coffee.
people are coming to stay at my house on tuesday. not my people. Rhys' friend from home and her friend who is in town for some kind of job interview or some such thing. i don't know how long they are staying. so i have to clean. and do laundry. tonight.
but first. the moon.
and probably then i'm going to draw.
and then clean.
yes... that's what i'll do. heh. eventually.
right now i'm watching t.v. and drinking coffee.
people are coming to stay at my house on tuesday. not my people. Rhys' friend from home and her friend who is in town for some kind of job interview or some such thing. i don't know how long they are staying. so i have to clean. and do laundry. tonight.
but first. the moon.
and probably then i'm going to draw.
and then clean.
yes... that's what i'll do. heh. eventually.
I must of missed the lunar eclipse....*le sigh*...oh well at least its a pretty full moon.
I'll give my gramma kiss on friday since i didn't see her this weekend...i'm a bad grandson.
<3 Luna