Goddamnit, Cash...
1. Seven things to do before I die:
1) Travel to every continent. (Two down, five to go!)
2) Speak at least one foreign language fluently.
3) Get my groove back.
4) Get something published.
5) Have a respectable body of work.
6) Vacation on the Mediterranean.
7) Travel on a sailing ship.
2. Seven Things I cannot do
1) Anything cat-related, as I am terribly allergic.
2) "Snap out of it".
3) Remember to water plants.
4) Dance.
5) I'm going to steal this answer from Cash, because it's so true: Enjoy jazz
6) Smoke the pot.
7) Form and maintain meaningful relationships with others.
3. Seven things that attract me to where I live
1) Oh, for crying out loud. This is so not fair. Y'all know I hate my town with an undying passion...
2) I have no rent nor bills to pay.
3) The dogs love having a yard.
4) I'm told the beach is somewhat close, although I've not yet been.
5) Because my town is so lame, it's easier to convince people I'm the zenith of cool.
6) The grocery stores are clean and pigeon-free.
7) I just can't seem to stay away from hurricane-infested coastlines.
4. Seven things I say most often
1) "Dude".
2) "Fuck", in various and sundry forms.
3) "No/Yes Indeed".
4) "Would've could've, but should never did".
5) "Dogs!"
6) "I can't be bothered..."
7) "Ciao".
5. Seven books (or series) that I love
1) "Heart of Darkness", Joseph Conrad.
2) "Tropic of Cancer", Henry Miller.
3) "Catch-22", Joseph Heller.
4) "A Clockwork Orange", Anthony Burgess.
5) "Notes from the Underground", Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
6) "Breakfast of Champions", Kurt Vonnegut.
7) "Oedipus Rex"/"Oedipus at Colonus"/"Antigone", Sophacles.
6. Seven movies/dvds I watch over and over again (or would if I had time)
1) Natural Born Killers.
2) Beetlejuice.
3) The Last Unicorn.
4) Rocky Horror Picture Show.
5) By the way, this is all really a lie- I don't watch movies much.
6) Spirited Away.
7) Kill Bill.
7. Seven people I want to join in, too:
I refuse.
Back home and more of the same:
Better update later. Much love to all y'all motherfuckers.
1. Seven things to do before I die:
1) Travel to every continent. (Two down, five to go!)
2) Speak at least one foreign language fluently.
3) Get my groove back.
4) Get something published.
5) Have a respectable body of work.
6) Vacation on the Mediterranean.
7) Travel on a sailing ship.
2. Seven Things I cannot do
1) Anything cat-related, as I am terribly allergic.
2) "Snap out of it".
3) Remember to water plants.
4) Dance.
5) I'm going to steal this answer from Cash, because it's so true: Enjoy jazz
6) Smoke the pot.
7) Form and maintain meaningful relationships with others.
3. Seven things that attract me to where I live
1) Oh, for crying out loud. This is so not fair. Y'all know I hate my town with an undying passion...
2) I have no rent nor bills to pay.
3) The dogs love having a yard.
4) I'm told the beach is somewhat close, although I've not yet been.
5) Because my town is so lame, it's easier to convince people I'm the zenith of cool.
6) The grocery stores are clean and pigeon-free.
7) I just can't seem to stay away from hurricane-infested coastlines.
4. Seven things I say most often
1) "Dude".
2) "Fuck", in various and sundry forms.
3) "No/Yes Indeed".
4) "Would've could've, but should never did".
5) "Dogs!"
6) "I can't be bothered..."
7) "Ciao".
5. Seven books (or series) that I love
1) "Heart of Darkness", Joseph Conrad.
2) "Tropic of Cancer", Henry Miller.
3) "Catch-22", Joseph Heller.
4) "A Clockwork Orange", Anthony Burgess.
5) "Notes from the Underground", Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
6) "Breakfast of Champions", Kurt Vonnegut.
7) "Oedipus Rex"/"Oedipus at Colonus"/"Antigone", Sophacles.
6. Seven movies/dvds I watch over and over again (or would if I had time)
1) Natural Born Killers.
2) Beetlejuice.
3) The Last Unicorn.
4) Rocky Horror Picture Show.
5) By the way, this is all really a lie- I don't watch movies much.
6) Spirited Away.
7) Kill Bill.
7. Seven people I want to join in, too:
I refuse.
Back home and more of the same:

Better update later. Much love to all y'all motherfuckers.

The zenith?
Yeah, I think I can see that working for you.
Try though we might, there's not a person on this earth who has ever been nor will ever be more perfect and transcendant in their use of 'fuck' and all its permutations than Samuel L Jackson. We can try, but he's fuckvana.
[Edited on Mar 05, 2006 1:36PM]
Are you leaving sg? I've noticed a lot less of you on here lately.