x-mas photos of myself and the ever-loverly melvina may be found here.
last entry, i said:
i've been out putting in applications, looking for work, etc. i have an interview today, although i'm hesitant to say where. it's embarrassing. and no, it's not Hot Topic. ha. no. actually. it's... worse. *shudder* what can be worse than hawking over-priced, psuedo-punk clothes to spoiled teenagers at the mall, you might ask? ha. i'll tell you if i get the job.
p.s.- i just got back from the interview.
i'd be very suprised if i do not get the job. i am the best interviewer ever. it is because of my extreme skill at manipulation, coupled with my extaordinary psychic powers and complete and utter awesomeness.
i really am too fucking cool for this shit. on the real, yo.
and, finally:
p.p.s.- i got the job. update later with details and specifics.
so. as promised, i will reveal the identity of the establishment which i have suckered into hiring me...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- i feel like such a sell-out.
that's all for now.
love y'all.