whoa. holy hottness!
what a great way to wake up! and Mae's haircut reminds me of my beautiful melvina.
i'm watching Gigantor on the cartoon network. i love it when they have that old shit on. it's usually like 4-6am. sometimes they show Popeye, too.
a funny thing happened to me the other day. i went to a resturaunt called "Ham's" here in Greenville. i like going there because they have decent sandwiches and their own microbrews on draft. the IPA is my favorite, but i thought this time i'd try the stout. so i order one, and the waitress informs me that she'll have to serve it to me in a 4 oz. glass. i asked why, of course, because dude- that's just wierd. apparently the massive 7.3% alcohol content is just too much, and they don't feel comfortable serving it to people in a proper pint.
yesterday, i forgot to eat. now i'm fucking starving and have no food at home.
that's it. no coffee yet either, so if none of the above makes any sense, blame it on that.
p.s.: i cleaned out my friends list a bit. most of the folks probably won't notice, since i haven't heard from them in a long while. but if you got deleted and you're put off, just request me again and i'll add you back.

what a great way to wake up! and Mae's haircut reminds me of my beautiful melvina.

i'm watching Gigantor on the cartoon network. i love it when they have that old shit on. it's usually like 4-6am. sometimes they show Popeye, too.
a funny thing happened to me the other day. i went to a resturaunt called "Ham's" here in Greenville. i like going there because they have decent sandwiches and their own microbrews on draft. the IPA is my favorite, but i thought this time i'd try the stout. so i order one, and the waitress informs me that she'll have to serve it to me in a 4 oz. glass. i asked why, of course, because dude- that's just wierd. apparently the massive 7.3% alcohol content is just too much, and they don't feel comfortable serving it to people in a proper pint.
yesterday, i forgot to eat. now i'm fucking starving and have no food at home.
that's it. no coffee yet either, so if none of the above makes any sense, blame it on that.

p.s.: i cleaned out my friends list a bit. most of the folks probably won't notice, since i haven't heard from them in a long while. but if you got deleted and you're put off, just request me again and i'll add you back.
I hardly ate anything either yesterday. I kept putting off dinner until it just seemed too much to get a burrito at 2am.
So I ate the only thing I had in the house... cereal with water.