new pictures abound. new new pictures, even.

and in case you missed the old new pictures:

Return to New Orleans

Hyena & Melvina
i pretty much wasted yesterday, but felt okay about it. i've been working hard.
it's cold and raining and i hate catching the bus (or, "school shuttle", as i believe we've decided to call it) in this miserable weather. Rhys lamented a while back, "I fucking hate weather! I want to move somewhere without weather!" i think i decided that Hawaii was pretty close. your thoughts on possibilities for a weatherless home base would be appreciated.
i've recently come to the realization- and, i digress, i've come to this realization many times before in the past couple of months; it just occurs freshly to me now, and while i'm thinking about it, i'm writing it here. but. i believe i am a lot happier with my life than i have been in a lng time. certainly in a few years. i think a lot of this has to do with being back in school, and in the whole college atmosphere. maybe there's more to it. i haven't given it that much thought. but i feel more productive, more worthwhile, more like i used to feel before two years of directionless service industry work all but annihilated my self-esteem and motivation.
so. yay for me.
i'm not saying things are perfect. i could spout off complaints and wants and needs until the cows come home. but instead i'm trying to focus on the good things about where i am and who i am right now, instead of making my usual laundry list of what could be better or what is wrong or what i'd rather be doing. so. yeah. positive thinking, people. positive thoughts.
hell, at least i'm trying.
that's always something.
love, all.

The thing about being in college. I know exactly how you feel. I did the same kind of thing where I dicked around until about 22 until I transfered to a university and had the full on college experience.
I think because of that break, and me being motivated to be there of my own decision, it made it a better thing.
So good for you!