i just spent two fucking hours re-sizing and uploading pictures. i will respond to folks and write a real journal entry later.
Return to New Orleans
Hyena & Melvina
here is what i did today, after busting my ass at school all week:
-woke up.
-watched cartoons.
-made coffee.
-forgot i'd made coffe and wondered why i was still grumpy, groggy, and mad at the world.
-drank coffee.
-watched more cartoons.
-turned Rhys' new sculpture upside down and made it look ten times better. he hates when i do that.
-did laundry.
-put one of my bookshelves back together. couldn't find the thingies that the shelves rest on for the other bookshelf. stacked books up near bookshelf, and figured that was good enough.
-did not nearly enough carving, but got a good start on the faces of a new lino block.
-at some point in time, drank a beer.
-did more laundry.
-tossed most of my non-fitting pants into a box to be given away.
-bought a new pair of pants online with the hope that once i did, i would stop obsessing about pants.
-failed to stop obsessing about pants.
-on three seperate occasions, ate food.
-fucked around on the internet for a very long time.
-made up some kind of bastardized form of aerobics. did that for five minutes, but got bored and went to eat a bagel instead.
-listened to my new batch of Cheech c.d.s non-stop. except when cartoons were on.
-made up some songs about my dogs.
-updated this journal entry needlessly.

Return to New Orleans

Hyena & Melvina
here is what i did today, after busting my ass at school all week:
-woke up.
-watched cartoons.
-made coffee.
-forgot i'd made coffe and wondered why i was still grumpy, groggy, and mad at the world.
-drank coffee.
-watched more cartoons.
-turned Rhys' new sculpture upside down and made it look ten times better. he hates when i do that.
-did laundry.
-put one of my bookshelves back together. couldn't find the thingies that the shelves rest on for the other bookshelf. stacked books up near bookshelf, and figured that was good enough.
-did not nearly enough carving, but got a good start on the faces of a new lino block.
-at some point in time, drank a beer.
-did more laundry.
-tossed most of my non-fitting pants into a box to be given away.
-bought a new pair of pants online with the hope that once i did, i would stop obsessing about pants.
-failed to stop obsessing about pants.
-on three seperate occasions, ate food.
-fucked around on the internet for a very long time.
-made up some kind of bastardized form of aerobics. did that for five minutes, but got bored and went to eat a bagel instead.
-listened to my new batch of Cheech c.d.s non-stop. except when cartoons were on.
-made up some songs about my dogs.
-updated this journal entry needlessly.
excited about impending art from thee.
You seem to be more responsive to Melvina than Starbuck's.
Thank you for all that pic-resizing.