Today was Oktoberfest in Freemont! The day was absolutely perfect, I swear there is no other place on the planet more beautiful than Seattle on a sunny day. I woke up SUPER early.. although technically sleeping in, 7:09 am instead of 7:00 am
Ended up spending most of the day at FOKT until I simply couldn't drink anymore mico-brew. As we were walking out I was approached by some young kid (18ish) asking for people to sign a petition against the current plan to replace the Alaskan Way Viaduct here in Seattle which runs down the west side of the city. I use it all the time and am usually completely white knuckled while driving on it since basically every study ever completed on it in the last several years since the Nisqually Earthquake has shown that it would completely unsafe in another earthquake. Anyway the problem is that here in Seattle voters almost have too much power.. which is insane for me to say given my political beliefs. Anyway, here in Seattle people get to vote on basically everything.. from wether or not a new business can open or wether a tunnel to replace an ailing viaduct should be built. The result is a bureaucratic cluster-fuck in most cases (at least with large scale concerns like the viaduct). Anyway, given that I was a little drunk I ended up calling the poor girl who was asking people to sign the petition a "fucking moron" which, while possibly valid, was completely out of line and totally embarrassing for me to have done, not to mention completely unproductive. So to that girl whom ever you are, I apologize.
One last thing here are the beers I tried to today and how I would rate them on a scale of 1 to awesome (10).
1. Ayinger Oktober Fest-Marzen 8/10
2. Oktoberfest Bier 7/10
3. Weissbier 6/10
4. Big Al Tripel 10/10
5. Organic Free Range Red 9/10
6. Hell or High Watermelon Wheat 0/10 - worst "beer" I've ever had.. it tasted like carbonated/flavored water, blech
7. Brown Shugga' 9/10
Overall a great day.. especially since I'm sitting here writing this in the company of mitochondria at a cute coffee shop in east lake.
This morning I made an awesome dashboard widget that should help me keep up with SG MR sets a little be more easily, check it out:
So in theory the content will change whenever a new set goes into MR, should be rad!
Also I forgot to mention yesterday I'll be flying to London right after christmas this year and traveling through Europe, including Edinburgh for new years, various places and Germany and then to Prague before flying home to Seattle at the 10th of Jan. All told I'll be gone for 20 days! I think I might need an iPad for traveling... hmmm.