OBP was this weekend! Met a lot of cool peeps! I haven't been active since I lived in NYC, so it was nice to go out and hang out with some like minded people! It was quite a treat to go camping and actually see more people than not cooking vegi friendly foods!
Somehow I managed to not take a single picture, yeah i suck!
I did however take some pictures of my awesome sun burn when I got home:
I actually have never been burned like this before; feet, ankles, thigh, arms, forehead and neck FTW!
Somehow I managed to not take a single picture, yeah i suck!
I did however take some pictures of my awesome sun burn when I got home:
I actually have never been burned like this before; feet, ankles, thigh, arms, forehead and neck FTW!
hey - i ain't no dirty raver! lol