Today I am filled with hope, pride and joy. Today I say yes we can, yes we can. Today I am beside myself with joy, never in the last 7 years have I found myself so utterly changed by 1 single event as I found myself tonight. Like when I felt the building shake and the tower fall, when the lights flickered and I knew the world was changing for the worse I know today just as I knew then that world is changed, but this time not for the worse, this time for the better.
Thank you America, thank you Barack Obama.. thank you for giving me back hope that I have so desperately needed. Do right by us, find a way to do what you promised.
Yes we can, Yes we can
now for pumpkin pictures

Thank you America, thank you Barack Obama.. thank you for giving me back hope that I have so desperately needed. Do right by us, find a way to do what you promised.
Yes we can, Yes we can
now for pumpkin pictures

HAHA u funny scientist u!
well thank you....Nice new profile pic