The start of another month long trip.
This trip should hopefully be a lot more fun than my last, even if it didn't start out on the best of notes I'm hoping it turns around today or tomorrow. Yesterday was like a slow disaster that occurred over the course of 12 hours. First my professor and I had a Skype meeting scheduled at 6am EST, dude never showed up, not cool. So after getting up WAY too early my friend and I started our trek to NYC. We got in around 330 and then shit just started going wrong at every turn for me. They weren't big things or anything it was just a lot of little shit. For example I had to drop off something for an old co-worker of mine at a job site I used to manage. This should have taken all of 4.5 minutes, but instead the security guard wouldn't let me in even though he knew who i was and wanted someone to escort me inside.. all so i could walk in drop something off in a corner and leave. I ended up waiting near 20 minutes for someone to show up.. they never did so I ended up just leaving. Another example of things not going right was when we went to get food later at my favorite falafel place only to find someone i've never seen before working behind the counter and he produced a less than perfect (although still very tasty) falafel. Later when trying to return to Queens the train i was on decided it wanted to turn around mid journey and take me back to brooklyn, I then had to get off and wait for another train to come by.. only it never showed up (damn you G train). So i ended up walking 30 blocks in an area i'm not too familiar with until I found Queens Plaza where i could get on the right train finally! Normally this wouldn't bother me but at this point my head was pounding, even after taking 4 aspirin, and I was starting to get very upset. My day ended with me having to take the rental car to LaGuardia which ended up being super easy. I then hopped on a bus and didn't realize how short a ride it was to my destination from LaGuardia to where I was staying in Queens so i totally missed my stop by about 20 blocks. This is when my day got slightly brighter I ended up just walking back to where i needed to be but was able to finally talk to my friend Sarah for the first time in forever. Turns out she'll be in Long Island on Monday and i'm hoping we're going to be able to hang out that night. Like I said nothing TERRIBLE happened it was just a lot of little shit combined with a headache that really made yesterday miserable for me.
On the bright side of things my day ended in a pretty relaxing way!! I got to talk to a friend who had a pretty annoying day as well and she helped me chill out. Then I had a beer and layed down with my awesome headphones and a bandanna over my eyes and just chilled the fuck out. After a shitty day I couldn't have asked for a more better way to unwind.
So i'm really hoping The rest of the trip goes better than yesterday. Today I'm going to probably go out and try and find something to do by myself hoping that one of my friends that lives here calls me.
T minus 5 days til Alaska!!!
This trip should hopefully be a lot more fun than my last, even if it didn't start out on the best of notes I'm hoping it turns around today or tomorrow. Yesterday was like a slow disaster that occurred over the course of 12 hours. First my professor and I had a Skype meeting scheduled at 6am EST, dude never showed up, not cool. So after getting up WAY too early my friend and I started our trek to NYC. We got in around 330 and then shit just started going wrong at every turn for me. They weren't big things or anything it was just a lot of little shit. For example I had to drop off something for an old co-worker of mine at a job site I used to manage. This should have taken all of 4.5 minutes, but instead the security guard wouldn't let me in even though he knew who i was and wanted someone to escort me inside.. all so i could walk in drop something off in a corner and leave. I ended up waiting near 20 minutes for someone to show up.. they never did so I ended up just leaving. Another example of things not going right was when we went to get food later at my favorite falafel place only to find someone i've never seen before working behind the counter and he produced a less than perfect (although still very tasty) falafel. Later when trying to return to Queens the train i was on decided it wanted to turn around mid journey and take me back to brooklyn, I then had to get off and wait for another train to come by.. only it never showed up (damn you G train). So i ended up walking 30 blocks in an area i'm not too familiar with until I found Queens Plaza where i could get on the right train finally! Normally this wouldn't bother me but at this point my head was pounding, even after taking 4 aspirin, and I was starting to get very upset. My day ended with me having to take the rental car to LaGuardia which ended up being super easy. I then hopped on a bus and didn't realize how short a ride it was to my destination from LaGuardia to where I was staying in Queens so i totally missed my stop by about 20 blocks. This is when my day got slightly brighter I ended up just walking back to where i needed to be but was able to finally talk to my friend Sarah for the first time in forever. Turns out she'll be in Long Island on Monday and i'm hoping we're going to be able to hang out that night. Like I said nothing TERRIBLE happened it was just a lot of little shit combined with a headache that really made yesterday miserable for me.
On the bright side of things my day ended in a pretty relaxing way!! I got to talk to a friend who had a pretty annoying day as well and she helped me chill out. Then I had a beer and layed down with my awesome headphones and a bandanna over my eyes and just chilled the fuck out. After a shitty day I couldn't have asked for a more better way to unwind.
So i'm really hoping The rest of the trip goes better than yesterday. Today I'm going to probably go out and try and find something to do by myself hoping that one of my friends that lives here calls me.
T minus 5 days til Alaska!!!
forgot to add someone cheered u up last night!!!!! joking