I've been absent as of late.
Partly b/c i dont really feel apart of this site very much, i think its likely that only 2 people read my blog if and when i choose to post. Also b/c its been so long since i updated and i simply did not know where to start.
So I thought the best way to get back into updating this journal would be do a sort of photo intensive post describing what i've been doing the last month or so.
Firstly i went back to NYC for a month (may 12th - June 6th) so here are some shots of the city, both driving and walking around

driving to queens, view of the city by way of the triboro bridge

Roosevelt Island cable car


Top of my list of things i didn't miss about the city: Traffic (as seen entering the Lincoln tunnel)

here is one of the prettier things i saw while i was traveling.. i mean such a beautiful rainbow.. so bizarre and unique

Street views:

(these guys were awesome fyi)
So i was in NYC for work, as i mentioned above. Formerly i was an environmental geologist and used to do bore hole drilling over site for things like air and water testing. I have since become a graduate student and have self evolved from a geologist to a hydrologist. However while in NY i was doing some of this work.

The work was actually occurring in Poughkeepsie, NY where houses look like this

Here is a drill rig (and driller) when we were installing a vapor point. While the driller was doing his thing i mostly just stood around a took notes. However on this day a child came up to me and asked if that (the rig) was wall-e (it was super cute).
One of the more fun things i did on my trip was having a picnic in prospect park

We were joined by a little girl.. whos parents were sitting near by, she was lots of fun and super cute!! They let me take pictures of her, her name was Makeda

adorable, right??
I also had the best sushi of my life (i love taking pictures of food)

(non traditional)

When i came back from NY I finally got fully moved into our new apartment!!

Living room area


drying of clothing!!!

my bedroom!
and lastly!!

my new sigg bottle, i loves it.
So that was my long as update, i really could find words to describe how i've been so i thought pictures would suffice.
I hope someone takes the time to look through all of these, and i promise to update more, and try and be more involved in the site.
Partly b/c i dont really feel apart of this site very much, i think its likely that only 2 people read my blog if and when i choose to post. Also b/c its been so long since i updated and i simply did not know where to start.
So I thought the best way to get back into updating this journal would be do a sort of photo intensive post describing what i've been doing the last month or so.
Firstly i went back to NYC for a month (may 12th - June 6th) so here are some shots of the city, both driving and walking around

driving to queens, view of the city by way of the triboro bridge

Roosevelt Island cable car


Top of my list of things i didn't miss about the city: Traffic (as seen entering the Lincoln tunnel)

here is one of the prettier things i saw while i was traveling.. i mean such a beautiful rainbow.. so bizarre and unique

Street views:

(these guys were awesome fyi)
So i was in NYC for work, as i mentioned above. Formerly i was an environmental geologist and used to do bore hole drilling over site for things like air and water testing. I have since become a graduate student and have self evolved from a geologist to a hydrologist. However while in NY i was doing some of this work.

The work was actually occurring in Poughkeepsie, NY where houses look like this

Here is a drill rig (and driller) when we were installing a vapor point. While the driller was doing his thing i mostly just stood around a took notes. However on this day a child came up to me and asked if that (the rig) was wall-e (it was super cute).
One of the more fun things i did on my trip was having a picnic in prospect park

We were joined by a little girl.. whos parents were sitting near by, she was lots of fun and super cute!! They let me take pictures of her, her name was Makeda

adorable, right??
I also had the best sushi of my life (i love taking pictures of food)

(non traditional)

When i came back from NY I finally got fully moved into our new apartment!!

Living room area


drying of clothing!!!

my bedroom!
and lastly!!

my new sigg bottle, i loves it.
So that was my long as update, i really could find words to describe how i've been so i thought pictures would suffice.
I hope someone takes the time to look through all of these, and i promise to update more, and try and be more involved in the site.
It took be 3 times to see the black cat in that pictures!! haha
And it is about time u updated mate!!!!