I haven't gone into the lab yet today, mainly b/c i don't have my macbook right now. I'm having the case repaired, this would leave me with little to do at school. So instead i stayed home this morning and did some catching up on meaningless TV, and watch a speech given by <a href="http://www.barackobama.com/index.php">Barack Obama</a> which was given to combat recent controversy regarding sermons delivered by his church's pasture. This speech in my limited opinion was pretty monumental. Not only did he defend his pasture (incidentally if politicians didn't put so much emphasis on their faith, then problems like this one wouldn't come up.. its ridiculous that in a country founded on the principles of the separation of church and state that in the year 2008 a politician can't get elected unless they talk about their faith) but he EXPLAINED HIS VIEWS. Holy shit a politican actually explained their view point. Not just a simple explaniation either. Obama in a single speech called each and every one of us out on the things that we privately think. He brought into light the untalked about racism in this country that has been going on for years. He talked about black people blaming white people for all their problems, and how white people are pissed at black people b/c they get special treatment, he talked about the cutlural background that has brought us to our geo-demographical makeup today. Then he went on to say that he doesn't expect to fix our racial problems over night, or even at all, but what he does want is to contiue the work of his fore fathers and not make this campaign about race. The man is just a beautiful speaker, almost poetic at times. I have said before that i am not a democrat, but i am also not a republican. I feel that this guy really has what it takes to change this country. This country needs a change, pure and simple. Some people question his expierence. I want to take a minute to point out that he was a civil rights lawyer, and a politican after that since 1997. He has 5 years expierence in the Illinios state senate, and 4 years after that as a US senetor. John F Kennedy, before coming president was going to be a journalist until his older brother, Joesph was killed during WW2. After that happened, as the eldest son he was to carry out his families tradition as a politian. He served in the senate from 1947-1953, 6 sold years of service (the odd number of 47 is becuase he replaced James Michael Curley mid term when he stepped down to become the mayor of Boston). He was relected in 53, but often an empty seat in the senate due to health problems. In 1960 he became one of the greatest leaders of a free society in known human history, did anyone question his background? I'm guessing not. Then why should we question Barack Obama's? This man loves this country, he has a vision, he has hope, and hope is something that we need right now. Hillary Clinton is nothing but a power hungry politican, her campaign is about getting her dues, about gaining power, about proving a point. John McCain, while a good man is only interested in the status quo. The greatest changes in histroy have come about when people have forced the issue, when they have questioned, when they have the balls to stand up and declare that something is wrong, and that we the people can do something about. John Kennedy once said ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. I say today that we should never forget that, infact we should probably take it further, we should ask not what our politicans, our neighboors, our family, our friends, can do for us, but what we can do for our fellow citizens. Now in the time, never before have we needed change like we need it now, we stand here on the presapess of the greatest potential leap forward in American History in half a decade, i can only hope that the american public realizes that. We need this, the world needs this, the human race needs this.
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