Feeling dis-en heartened: I have always been a firm believer in the democratic process. I love this country and the freedoms that we have. I believe firmly in the voting process, maybe not in the specifics, i.e. the points system by which presidents and other elected officials win political chairs. But generally I would say that i am a stout supporter of the political process. But i can't help but feel... somehow dis-en heartened with the political process a little bit when every time i vote, the general American public disagrees with me. Up until this election i was a registered republican. I changed parties b/c i believe that barack obama can change this country, and i felt that he deserved my vote. Now in the middle of what seems an endless primary season i find myself infuriated that the general american public cannot see that hillary clinton is no better than george bush. She is power hungry, and only wants the office of president to benefit herself. She is a liar, generally i would say she disgusts me. But people in this country are blind to it and infuriates me. I'm not saying that people should do what i do, but time and time again I cannot seem to find common ground with my fellow americans in my voting habbits and it fucking sucks, and it infuriates me.... my plane is about to board i'll finish these thoughts later.
i suck...groundwater engineering tore me a new one