The story presented in This artical pisses me off to no end.
How can someone be self centered to ask a neighbor to cut down red woods, so he can power his home with solar panels??? How ridiculous!! I'm all about renewable energy sources, but to ask someone to cut down red wood trees b/c you didn't have the foresight to build your pannels in the path of direct sunlight.. i mean give me a break. Then for a judge to allow it to happen b/c of some obscure law, its sickening.
How can someone be self centered to ask a neighbor to cut down red woods, so he can power his home with solar panels??? How ridiculous!! I'm all about renewable energy sources, but to ask someone to cut down red wood trees b/c you didn't have the foresight to build your pannels in the path of direct sunlight.. i mean give me a break. Then for a judge to allow it to happen b/c of some obscure law, its sickening.