For the first time in the last several years i feel like the decisions i've been making in life are finally paying off. Killing myself at school and at work have left me with a crazy work ethic, as well as the invaluable experiences which allows me to say to myself that i'm over doing it. Meaning i know when to separate work and life. So many months ago when i moved to this city i knew that working for YEC Engineering was not going to give me the social benefits of this city. A. i don't want to spend a lot of time with my co-workers and b. the co-workers i have at my disposal aren't the best. I like them a lot, but they would totally get on my nerves if i hung out with them too much! So thats when i decided to actively pursue a job at <a href="">EMS</a> And when i say actively i mean fucking actively!! I applied at both the uptown and downtown stores; i called 2 times a week, and showed up in person to bug them on regular occasion. And what did i end up with? An extra $500 per month, a kick ass discount which has been the center for most of my spending here in the city... clothing, gear, random other things, and most importantly some pretty awesome co-workers. Through them i've remembered how to be myself again. We go rock climbing, drinking, running, we talk about girls, and gear more than anything and its exactly what i needed in my life. I know now that had i not pursued this job my life would be totally different here in the City. My decisions in life have been tough, but right now i'm reaping the benefits and i could not be happier.
<p>welll.. that isn't entirely true, i could be mildly happier, but that will be fixed by this time next week when Beta and Toast are living with me!!!!!!!!
<p>welll.. that isn't entirely true, i could be mildly happier, but that will be fixed by this time next week when Beta and Toast are living with me!!!!!!!!
id liek to be your crush
vivrantxpinai on aim