So, apart from growing my little beast in my belly, this is my life.

BFFs <3

Here's the new pup that definitely grew on me despite it being a bad idea. Her name is Maddie and she's HILARIOUS.

Here's my generic Kingston photo, big pitty smiles!

Here's a fun shot.
And here's a video I threw together for kicks, their first couple of days together.
Loving my fam.

BFFs <3

Here's the new pup that definitely grew on me despite it being a bad idea. Her name is Maddie and she's HILARIOUS.

Here's my generic Kingston photo, big pitty smiles!

Here's a fun shot.
And here's a video I threw together for kicks, their first couple of days together.
Loving my fam.
hmm maybe i missed probably had your baby and its all old news now haha.
If so, congrats!! if not, how are you hanging in there
Msg me anytime you're free xoxo