1. I feel bad for not replying to everyone. I still have tons of messages in my inbox that I haven't even read...I don't know what my problem is, but I hope you guys understand.
2. School sucks. Seriously. I don't like it. It's booooring me to death. The only thing I like is computer illustration and I can't even remember what I'm doing in that class.
3. I love work. Skate shop=fun stuff.
4. I got my tablet. I've barely used it, I'm so uninspired again.
5. Seanicakes gets tattooed tomorrow. Two lightning bolts I drew for him. Eeee!
6. I get tattooed on thursday, so expect pictures. I think I might take some new ones of me sometime.
7. I'm back living with the man. I like it better here.
8. Check back here, I might post some new pictures or something... I have some more funny ones from my mac...haha
9. Apparently I should do a new set so I too can get 28937893748973943 comments. Look at my pathetic 800. So much for tattooed girls with small boobies huh...
10. My plugs shall be arriving soon...I'm going to take sooo many pictures of my ears...It's weird...I'm not going to have plug hand-me-downs. I NEVER buy my own jewellery.
11. It's now tuesday and I really don't want to go to school. I want to sit here and not ride the bus. I hate the bus. I literally hate it. HATE. HATE THE BUS. It's stupid..
2. School sucks. Seriously. I don't like it. It's booooring me to death. The only thing I like is computer illustration and I can't even remember what I'm doing in that class.
3. I love work. Skate shop=fun stuff.
4. I got my tablet. I've barely used it, I'm so uninspired again.
5. Seanicakes gets tattooed tomorrow. Two lightning bolts I drew for him. Eeee!
6. I get tattooed on thursday, so expect pictures. I think I might take some new ones of me sometime.
7. I'm back living with the man. I like it better here.
8. Check back here, I might post some new pictures or something... I have some more funny ones from my mac...haha
9. Apparently I should do a new set so I too can get 28937893748973943 comments. Look at my pathetic 800. So much for tattooed girls with small boobies huh...
10. My plugs shall be arriving soon...I'm going to take sooo many pictures of my ears...It's weird...I'm not going to have plug hand-me-downs. I NEVER buy my own jewellery.
11. It's now tuesday and I really don't want to go to school. I want to sit here and not ride the bus. I hate the bus. I literally hate it. HATE. HATE THE BUS. It's stupid..


tattoed girls with small boobies = HOT!! BTW

Only 800 people think you are hot I would settle for like 10 people. You are so cute it hurts.