I'm still trying to get back to everybody, but it can seem so overwhelming for me, especially through times of stress....aka this week and last.
So now let me set the scene for you earlier today, we had just finished our beers on the balcony when we came in started making dinner, I did my usual bend-down for the strainer and Sean starts laughing so hard, runs, grabs the camera, told me to bend down again. Well, here's what he was laughing at!
So after the laughing fiasco, I took this, Sean cuts peppers.
I have an interview tomorrow at this used item store. Hey man, I'm excited. My mom told me that it would be perfect for me because I'm a bit of a spaz...She's right, I don't deal with stress well and I have horrible anxiety. What's going to be easier than the local used everything store. I was showed the mystery pile! There was a box of cheese graters...YES, cheese graters. WOW, I know.
So I shall continue trying to get back to everyone because I really do appreciate everything that everyone's said and all the time people do put in in reading my journals and commenting on stuff, I love reading everything that you guys write and I think that's what makes replying so difficult, I end up reading everyone's journals and writing paragraphs and then a "oh yeah and thanks for the comment on my set"...
So enough with the babbling. Go say happy birthday to Fake111 because I said. And I love you, every one of you beautiful people!
Life is pretty alright
PS!!! my goal in life right now is to learn how to body pop. MY HERO
MORE PSING....I got the job and I start thursday. Yaaay thrift store girl!
there is a good possibility that our conversations in real life might make heads explode. but it will be so worth it.
tonight im just tired....and i have to work in a couple hours. blahhhh.
good messages soon. i swear.