I did this real quick and I just wanted to say SORRY for it's taking me for fucking ever to get back to everyone.
I submitted this design except A LOT more simple and different colours to threadless, I'll probably post up a link if it gets accepted...
I actually ran this through photoshop and half-assed him into a picture of a nebula.
Now it's time for bed and I'm only 4 pages into set comments and I find that I sort of feel bad for taking a while...it's part of the paranoia...
UPFUCKINDATEMy stupid Kiwi bit Pearl's foot and mangled it and she bled all over everything and I'm scared she is going to die. Fuckin' suuucks. She seems alright though. So don't worry, but still, stupid bird... Why did I have to be going to the bathroom at the time?
PS. I'm anemic and I've been taking iron pills and have had problems pooping and I got tons of headaches... I stopped taking them and two days later, I shat 3 times, I've also pooed today already. It may be gross, but it feels SO much better now... I would rather not take the pills. I like shitting too much to take them!
Also it's 26 out right now. Gross! I'm sitting in front of a fan.
Well, more of an update...We're giving Kiwi away. I love her... I can't stop crying.
*lol* your pooping spiel cracked me up, I know it wasn't supposed to be funny but the randomness of it was.