I just wanted to say to a certain brand: I cannot believe that I am a large. What do you call people bigger than me? Jesus christ, what if they want to wear your crazy-small shirts? WHY DON'T YOU SIZE THINGS CORRECTLY. No I am not complaining about me being called a large, I am not that stupid, I'm complaining that someone my size has to resort to larges. WHAT THE FUCK.
I have practically eaten a whole box of chocolate chip cookies. They're just so freaking good. I took pictures to show you.
Ok, now was my usual taking pictures spree that I always do, especially after a nice J.
Sean got a mandolin and I'm enjoying myself immensely listening to his ditties.
I'm going to start a painting tonight...
I am now going to keep up with comments! I'm being good at it lately.
Also, school's basically done. I just have to throw together a portfolio to present to the teachers in a ten-minute interview. I rocked my exam's ass.
So long!
Tuesday update: Last night it fuckin' snowed! Holy shit! hahaha.
Anyway, I have to put together my portfolio and I don't want to, mostly because I don't like much of what I did this semester...Last semester was more creative...I'm going to finally go and paint, I got a new paintbrush OOOOH, yeah that's right. I'm stoked.
it was Seanicakes' Grandma's birthday today, so we went over there and wished a happy birthday, I like his family a lot. Every single one of them.
I almost forgot, this is awesome. For easter, my boyfriend got this...Yeah, it's a shark, with cat ears..Our guess: Tiger shark! COWABUNGA DUDES.
(that's right, I love this hottie)