Alright, first thing's first...
Idiot Pilot is really rad and whoever's reading this should check them out, I am completely hooked.
I stuffed a CBR back into my septum, I doubt I'll keep it because I'm happy without piercings...I just got bored.
Next, as you all might know, I want to be a picture retoucher. I want to do it to models. That's my dream job and I would be happy forever if I could do it... So I got bored and touched up a picture...
It's not like I needed retouching in the first place, I wear enough make-up that it does it for me most days.. I am an avid face-picker. I actually am healing my face. I'm taking a pic a week. Last week's one was brutal, due to periods and break-outs...I took that pic and retouched it and holy crap. I won't post it because it's too embarassing, but if anyone actually cares to see how rough I look without make-up, I will happily send the untouched and retouched ones to you, just because they are, indeed, amazing... I'm contemplating sending it to whoever I've got to send it to so that I can attempt to be on the photoshop team on SG... I think it would fill my life with happiness, touching up other people's small imperfections.
So after that pointless rant, I will be on my way and try to respond to everyone, I have a bad headache right now so I'll probably just go and finish the phoenix I'm working on for darling Lydia's school thing. Woooo. I might post it up here, don't know yet, possible tattoo.... hrrrm...
Ok, bye bye.
Ill probably keep changing it too, maybe rainbow next.
you are neat tooo, you should be on my frineds list. Do eeet!