so this was fun---
last night I was sitting on the couch watching tivo and some random man peeks his head in my door and askes if I would have sex with him. What? Wait, wait...WHAT? Yeah, my roommate had left the door unlocked when she left to go watch a movie. So of course, I said NO! LEAVE! and readily picked up my cellphone. I was lucky, he did leave, but let te dog out while doing so. At this point I'm throughly freaked out- I run to the door to lock it and I call my roommate. I leave her a voicemail and then I hear a knock at the's her. Thank God. I tell her what happens and she calls the police. They show up literally in less than 5 mins. I tell them what has just occurred and one of them continually tells me I should always lock the door. I KNOW that- my roommate, however does not. The dog eventally came back and I had Ben come over so I would be safe.
last night I was sitting on the couch watching tivo and some random man peeks his head in my door and askes if I would have sex with him. What? Wait, wait...WHAT? Yeah, my roommate had left the door unlocked when she left to go watch a movie. So of course, I said NO! LEAVE! and readily picked up my cellphone. I was lucky, he did leave, but let te dog out while doing so. At this point I'm throughly freaked out- I run to the door to lock it and I call my roommate. I leave her a voicemail and then I hear a knock at the's her. Thank God. I tell her what happens and she calls the police. They show up literally in less than 5 mins. I tell them what has just occurred and one of them continually tells me I should always lock the door. I KNOW that- my roommate, however does not. The dog eventally came back and I had Ben come over so I would be safe.
that's crazy! glad you're ok!