So just got home from being walked out on at Taco Mac... Hmm fun. The "boy" I'm seeing is well being quite difficult. See, he has this "girl" friend, which I have never met. She and him only hang out "alone". She doesn't want to meet me, even though I am (or was) up for meeting her. He also doesn't want us to meet. This sounds specfuckingtacular doesn't it? So I see this as a small problem because he is my boyfriend. Oh, and did I forget to mention, he keeps hiding when he sees her? WTF? Someone please just get me a man that is honest has no "secret girl friends" .
Seriously tho WTF, I can't believe you have let him get away with something like that. Do you have an open relationship or not? because if not then sounds like he is cheating and you need to kick his ass to th ecurb and find a new dude.
I'd start the obligatory guy speach about how much better i am than he is but I have not even met you and for all I know you might be a serial murderer.