Life has been pretty hectic. With the holidays coming up fast, I'm working like a dog! (No pun intended, if you know my job) I'm having some personal dilemmas that I've got to work thru. It stinks when you think you have everything worked out and there is a balance and order in place only to come to find it was never there at all.
On a happier note, despite me not going to the gym, and feeling a bit less fit, I am still very proud of my curves. Which, I found out recently from my bathing suit picture, offend a lot of people.
So in honor of all the girls who aren't stick thin, for us girls who have fat rolls or a stomach. Or thighs that stick together because they are so big. A butt that doesn't fit in jeans. These pictures are for you! Because in today's society, I'm fat because I have all that. But I don't give a fuck.