Due to the death of one of the greatest comedic actors of our time I needed to remind myself life is worth living. I know the struggle and the pain depression inflicts on people since I've been managing mine for my whole life now. So I went out and bought myself a gift and re read my quote tattooed to my leg and said to myself things will always get better. The quote on my leg may have been written for two people to say to one another but I take it as a reminder to myself. "Like the rising tide, beating hearts grow but never die, to simplify I'll stand by your side, close my eyes, hope will never die." That is my mantra. I will never lose hope in myself no matter how bad it gets. If you're struggling, keep fighting and if you need to talk to someone but you have no one in your life you feel you can talk to, I'll talk to you. It's not worth it to end things without giving life a try. As a thanks for reading my little mental health awareness blog here are some pictures to brighten up the mood.