-Me getting very upset that I was not carded for my first beer.
-Going to see Built to Spill and them projecting a movie of Calvin Johnson talking about how the government fights eco-terrorists while the band played some weird hippy jam.
-Aging punk rock guy at door at Stubb's with misfits tattoos checking my id and telling me I made him feel old, and to "stay out of trouble". THAT'S NOT PUNK ROCK
-Sean calling some random girls over to our house, and them making out in our living room while we listened to Skrewdriver and Klaus Nomi.
-Jake trying to kill himself by sticking his head in an electric oven. I tried to tell him it wouldn't work but then he tried to turn it on "clean".
-Convinving Jake that he was better off not having slept with a girl who makes out with her own sister.
-Losing $200 worth of checks sometime between Downtown and the end of the party. I think those lesbians stole my checks!!
-Ryan driving said lesbians home and then sprinting four miles back to the house, all in under 40 minutes.
-Me getting very upset that I was not carded for my first beer.
-Going to see Built to Spill and them projecting a movie of Calvin Johnson talking about how the government fights eco-terrorists while the band played some weird hippy jam.
-Aging punk rock guy at door at Stubb's with misfits tattoos checking my id and telling me I made him feel old, and to "stay out of trouble". THAT'S NOT PUNK ROCK
-Sean calling some random girls over to our house, and them making out in our living room while we listened to Skrewdriver and Klaus Nomi.
-Jake trying to kill himself by sticking his head in an electric oven. I tried to tell him it wouldn't work but then he tried to turn it on "clean".
-Convinving Jake that he was better off not having slept with a girl who makes out with her own sister.
-Losing $200 worth of checks sometime between Downtown and the end of the party. I think those lesbians stole my checks!!
-Ryan driving said lesbians home and then sprinting four miles back to the house, all in under 40 minutes.
if you dont get your days i will definatly buy them off you.
Thank you SO much for the sweet comment about my set! it really means a lot to me !!!