Hello everyone, I continue to blog far too infrequently but hey I'm very lazy, what can you do?
It seems like I've been in work almost constantly for the last few months. I don't know what I was thinking when I booked my annual leave but it's been at least 4 maybe 5 months since I've taken any. Far too long, I'm wiped!
But there's 2 weeks time off coming up for me soon and it'll be good to have time off from the place as it gets stressful at times.
However I've been to a fair few gigs recently which has kept me from being too much of a dull boy.
Frank Turner (who had the mighty Chuck Ragan supporting him), AFI, Strung Out, The Dropkick Murphys, A Wilhelm Scream and Against Me!
The Dropkicks were probably the pick of the bunch but I was hammered watching them so that probably coloured my judgement.
I took a few pictures at the Frank and Chuck gig and my friend took some at Strung Out and Against Me! so here ya go.
It seems like I've been in work almost constantly for the last few months. I don't know what I was thinking when I booked my annual leave but it's been at least 4 maybe 5 months since I've taken any. Far too long, I'm wiped!
But there's 2 weeks time off coming up for me soon and it'll be good to have time off from the place as it gets stressful at times.
However I've been to a fair few gigs recently which has kept me from being too much of a dull boy.
Frank Turner (who had the mighty Chuck Ragan supporting him), AFI, Strung Out, The Dropkick Murphys, A Wilhelm Scream and Against Me!
The Dropkicks were probably the pick of the bunch but I was hammered watching them so that probably coloured my judgement.
I took a few pictures at the Frank and Chuck gig and my friend took some at Strung Out and Against Me! so here ya go.
So....how are we all?
You can now. Do it......
Feel better soon poorly pants