@RAMBO, @MISSY and @LYXZEN asked the girls what they fear, I decided to talk about my.
In fact there are not many things that can scare me. This is not just spiders or snakes, darkness and height doesn't frighten me. No, I'm afraid of strange things.
1) Doves. These birds really scares me. And i'm not scared that they may be carriers of diseases, i'm scared how they behave arrogantly. They are flying straight at me and did not even going to change the trajectory, so once upon a time pigeons collided with me. Now I'm being more careful with them. And even when I ate a bagel, a dove flew and began to eat it right in my hands. Horrible creatures.
2)Umbrellas. It isn't a joke. I love the rain, so never use umbrella. But I live in St. Petersburg, and the rains come here often, and people are constantly walking with umbrellas. And at rush hour, people hustle and waving their umbrellas. I am afraid that sooner or later will remain without eyes
3)Old age. I am afraid that when I grow old i cant to do what I like, I will sick and helpless. And I am afraid to be a burden to anyone.