I think that time to talk about myself was come. And i want get to know you, my followers.
A lot of people know, that a few days ago was the premiere of the movie The Avengers. I very waiting this, cause I like movies about superheroes, comics and everything related to them. And, despite the fact, that the film didn't live up to my expectations, I was happy, because I won a ticket to the Comic Con to be held in St. Petersburg. It will be a great event! The first time the Comic Con was in Moscow last year, the second time it will be held in my city, St. Petersburg. I'm looking forward to it and make costume :3
I decided to compile a list of 5 of my favorite heroes and 5 villains, and want you to do it too :)
Heroes: Wolverine, Iron Man, Daredevil, Flash, Roszak
Villains: Deadpool, Joker, Locke, Mystic, Poison Ivy
@LIFE_JC you like anime?